Notorious K

I’m a little disappointed that the only hateful, ignorant crap about the Twins was speculating that the wedding would take place on Lake Minnetonka when “on an island” most likely means Harriet Island.

“Now that’s some real manly football!! None of that pansy Liberal stuff!”

Well, at least those players had an excuse for not standing during the national anthem.

Pitch fuckin’ perfect.

As an addendum, Russell Wilson released a personal statement on the matter:

Good on ol’ Roy, if he knows about it.

Trump: Fake sports!

Players sitting during the anthem = disrespecting our troops

I wish he was this adamant when he was supposed to shame the white nationalist demonstrations in Charroletsville. I guess black athletes peacefully protesting during the national anthem is worse than Nazis.


It’s interesting that Buffalo’s kicker is so left leaning in his beliefs, considering their most famous kicker is best known for how far right he is.

As an expert in the matter, I predict the NFL is going to punt on this.

Pepto Abysmal.

It should have been you, Zack Hample.

To be fair to Francesa, this is the worst thing any coach has ever done at Penn State.

Also, DID YOU KNOW THE PACKERS HAVE INJURED PLAYERS. Only team in the league. Might need an investigation into the pad companies. Possibly also whoever is making the turf.

To be fair, Philip Rivers’ kids had clarinet lessons that day.

Chili Davis. Now that was a guy with a name.

‘A Hail Mary that’s full of grace’