She’s no Isabella Blow...
This is totally age appropriate. I know plenty of suburban dads with similar tattoos. Just your average mid life crisis.
Right? You don’t notice until later. However, funny looking babies usually turn into gorgeous little kids.
The only reason I think it’s real is that the writer used the word “blush” to describe a color. Any straight man would shrug and call it pink.
In between the several yearly book fairs, they send home catalogs of books you can order. Half of the books come with toys and cheap jewelry, so of course they’re begging for that too!
PTA stands for Parents To Avoid
I came here to say she looks amazing without makeup. America the beautiful!
What? It’s the BEST song!!!
Do you feel dirrty?
I totes agree!
Less makeup and natural lighting makes young ladies look their actual age.
Right? We’re all superfuckingmodels!
They seem like pretty traditional names, unlike the earthy Colorado names I come across around here!
Ok - now I’m thinking it’s just her hair and heavy makeup. Forgive me.
Possible correlation between child murder and vitamin D deficiency?