Can someone explain Chyna’s face to me? Is that a natural face? There is something so... off.
Can someone explain Chyna’s face to me? Is that a natural face? There is something so... off.
Almost as scandalous as naming something Jezebel! Honestly though, it was a name before the novel and still quite popular in different parts of the world. Everyone needs to calm down and have a cookie.
Duuuuude! You’re not a real doctor!
True, but if my kid was old enough to have his own phone and swear at me, he’s old enough to find his own damn ride home from Walmart.
I’m sobbing like a baby and now I have to get my kids from the bus...
one of my favorite snacks: toast sourdough bread, smear half an avocado on top, sprinkle with garlic powder. (can you tell I was raised in CA?)
I read her memoir a long time ago. If i remember correctly, she said she gave birth to Zowie as a gift for David. I need to find that book...
We all have a type.
Hitting a moose can decapitate you.
Right? Dark glasses. Big sweater. A look that tells other moms you’re not here to make friends today.
That cake is awesome. Sorry.
FYI: Angela Bowie’s book Backstage Passes is a fun, juicy read. She’s pretty awful, but very entertaining.