Let me add our situation was a physical attack (random crazy person throwing punches, scratching, biting... not a rape!).
Let me add our situation was a physical attack (random crazy person throwing punches, scratching, biting... not a rape!).
Monsters are not born. They are created.
Like a bad movie. I know.
Our adrenaline was rushing for hours, but we did what any other young adult would do. We cleaned the wounds and got lit at the nearest bar.
Happened to me when I lived in lower Manhattan (a time when cell phones were optional). My partner was attacked on the street so I ran to the nearest deli and begged the clerk to call 911. He said “no snitchin’. Get out.” One of my most valuable NY lessons.
Yes! What a guy!
Say “Scott Stockert” 10 times fast.
Pliers should do.
Very rich person buys very expensive thing. *yawn*
Pretty much a current issue between female cyclists and the Hasidic community in BK.
My H&M clothes look great for years. I don’t shop in the juniors section don’t use a dryer, so maybe that’s why.
So they’re compassionate conservatives?
I ban nothing. I know enough slightly older kids and realize the princess phase is short lived and becomes uncool quite quickly. Mine would rather play office or doctor anyway without my grooming.
I wore heels the first time at my 8th grade dance. My mom told me, “Imagine your ankles are powerful and strong.” Weird, but it still works for me.
You’re right. Gawker should end that “series”.