Def paid participants. . .
I hope more than anything ever in my life that she was paid to be there. Not only because that means Trump has to pay people to make him look like he has diverse support but also because she was paid to give zero fucks and read her book. Can she start a book club? Can we pay her to sit and read during all the GOP…
When I run for president, I’m going to be completely up front about my inability to be romantically or sexually appealing to anyone. My key demographic will be people who are lonely and have given up on forming any relationships deeper than friendship.
What I read from the article is that they are willing to be moved, they are not willing to be screwed on the price. Now this will go through the courts and have a judge or jury decide on the price based, hopefully, on the facts of the case, not sentiment of the family, and not expedience of the government. Ideally the…
Damn, this is a good write up.
OH GOD. I haven’t even finished reading but that Funky Town story has brought actual tears to my eyes.
Dear Melissa McCarthy:
This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.
And much respect to Deadspin for not letting this one go and publishing what they have.
This is beyond horrifying.
From the looks of that escort its either a nuke, a crashed UFO and occupants (I WANT TO BELIEVE) or a dry run for transporting President Donald Trump’s hair pieces.
I am not watching it on principle. But, if some clips turn out to be really funny and go viral on the Internet, I may at least read articles about that.
Agreed. Don’t tune in to NBC to “ironically” watch it, or just to “hate watch” the “train wreck.” Don’t watch clips on Hulu or on Sunday or Monday. Total radio silence on criticism. NBC wants viewers and Trump wants attention, let’s not feed the monsters.
Nobody watch it. Don’t give him ratings. Want to see the train wreck then bit torrent it.
Ha. Thanks - maybe we could ask Coca-Cola, the DNC, and Long John Silver for, er, seed money ...
+1 brilliant idea.
So apparently the SAE guy turning away POC was a black guy, according to the SAE President?
“Who knew the nurses of America moved like the mob?”