
I’m guessing the book make more sense of it, because it seemed to me the Overlords are initiating the change in the children. It made the evolutionary change something humanity was forced in to and that the Overlords played us.

Look, JJ, if you think the problem with the movie was the Khan reveal then you’re not getting it. Khan was superfluous to the plot. He was fan service and nothing more. The story itself was the problem. It was trying to be way to many things at once and failing badly at most. 9/11 allegory, convoluted revenge, aping

I’m feeling the same with actor playing Holden. He just seems too young. As much as Holden had a certain naivete in the first novel I had the impression of someone who was older and more experienced. Someone the crew of Roci already looked to and respected.

I’m continually impressed by the show’s depiction of Ceres Station and the Belters. I had figured this would be where the show deviated the most from the book. The low-g and the physical distinctiveness of the belters would not be easy to show, especial on a cable TV budget.

It does. And the book does a descent job of developing the characters and their motivations so it feels authentic versus doing it for a cheap twist in the story.

Finished this just last week. Really is a good story and manages to paint some gray in the normally black/white, good vs evil of the Star Wars universe. Show members of the Imperial Army as something other than space nazis. Has a joining member of the Rebel Alliance conflicted about the nature of the rebellion.

Horror!? Are we forgetting about this -

Well of course:

What I want is basically what Enterprise promised, but never really delivered - Birth of the Federation.

Everything about this movie...just sucked. From the premise to the acting was awful. I knew going it wouldn’t be good, but still was floored by how genuinely terrible it was.

I’m assuming the morons trying to get the raw papa johns pizza thought they were in a Papa Murphys (sells uncooked pizzas to be baked at home). I hoping anyway...cause if not...damn

Tossing the idea out there that Simmons isn’t Simmons. Just something that looks like her. That the PTSD is just an act to cover up her lack of knowledge about the details of the real Jenna. (like not being able to read the menu)

Its early morning so I’m slow. But wouldn’t we need the width of the river to calculate an answer?

It will keep Rifftrax in business...

From what I’ve heard and the very little I’ve read of Mrs. Myers, she has no idea how to write a guy who isn’t immature and self-absorbed. Sort of like Frank Miller but in reverse.

The whole Impossible Girl thread had the potential to be really interesting. You have a character who has lived thousands of lives revolving around saving the doctor. Coming out of being fragmented apart Clara should have been someone who knew the doctor better than anyone. Maybe even better than he knew himself. Even

Why aren’t those astronauts squished flat and broiled alive by an atmosphere 90 x as dense as ours and hot enough to melt lead?

Ahh the Matlock age group...ironically CBS was the only network to not carry that show.

When I was reading Saturn’s Children by Charles Stross the author makes a similar point about Human’s inability to survive off Earth. And when you think about it, and take these two novels, it does paint a rather bleak picture of Humans (as we are now) colonizing space.

I feel like the guy who just doesn’t get the joke with this movie. What did you find about the movie that made it so enjoyable?