
She doesn’t deserve backlash for donating money on go fund me and promoting it. We don’t know if she anonymously donated more or reached out to the family to offer help in another way. We also don’t know how well Kylie even knew the make up artist. There are other celebrities like Bella Thorne that donated the same

Janet Jackson did the same and no one seemed to care....

Hazel he dropped out of a movie with Jennifer Lawrence not Jennifer Lopez.

I understand what you are saying I just don’t think he had the audience of an influencer at the time before the murder. Even when the Club Kids made media appearances Michael was not the focus of the program, a lot of the other characters in more outlandish outfits like “monster” were the highlights. I’m not saying he

I was around the scene during the “club kid days” I even went to a lot of the parties they threw. I wouldn’t say Michael was the same as a big influencer today, he wasn’t famous, only people really into the scene knew who he was, and he wasn’t the only ring leader as he is portrayed. I would say the ones that would

I have that issue with my Dads 2018 Dodge Ram its such a joke that I struggle to put dirt bikes in it. We never had those issues in our old Ford ranger.

I think my point is that the show “I am Cait” goes way beyond just Caitlin and has like 6 other transgender people starring in the show, discussing trans topics, issues, and experiences. The show does not just focus on Caitlin. Elliots show also doesn’t just focus on him but the entire LGBTQ community and he has been

I just meant that Caitlin was one of the most famous transgender for a while and she did have a show on E! dedicated to her transition. Elliot also has had a show that explores LGBTQ people all over the world, so they both in a way have put themselves in a position to be a trans spokespersons. When you advocate for a

Finally a more famous trans-person than Caitlin Jenner who can be a better representation for the trans community. Caitlin has done a terrible job and even supported trump, Elliot is a way better spokesperson.

At least he still has his beauty 

Please stop with the Taylor bashing. Its so off putting and unnecessary she isn't the problem your perception of her is. Your not a feminist by tearing other woman down.