
Monosyllabic words are just perfect.

You say that? It's the fucking law!

Well, I'm bringing it back.

He bashes those in a need of a good bashing, there just happen to be many Republicans on that list and near the top of it.

I don't know where the jabs at Chris Christie are coming from but keep 'em coming. I do not mind at all.

Having the app on your phone does not mean you supported them. Maybe he has good reasons for having it on his phone. I assume it was a really shitty app and I can see Gilfoyle downloading it to rip it apart.
Having it on his phone for like 4 years is a bit worse though. Didn't he upgrade to a new phone in that time?

Did I use it incorrectly? I am not a native English speaker but I thought there was nothing wrong with "irk". I also like the sound of it.

I'm not American though.

If he does, definitely put it on your law Blog.

I don't necessarily want reviews however if you write about this show, at least try to add something of value. This is barely a recap. I'm sure mister Perkins can find better uses of his time than to just write down what the British funny guy said.

How did you know I was stupid? Are you stalking me?

Works better when presented orally but you still get my upvote.


Ok, makes sense. I didn't think the movie was that good so I did not consider someone might use parts of it.

Take it on a tour. Do the entire country.

You think a show with trans characters, actors and showrunners that is all about acceptance and love and being open would fit on facebook? I wish it would but I think we might not be on the same facebook.

The other one did not depict the violent murder of Caesar? I didn't see it but an adaptation of Shakespeare's Caesar usually comes with the murder, no? And getting stabbed repeatedly is what I would call violent.

Herpes is getting very #deep lately.

In the 1670's?

You used to think like me and now you are enlightened and you hope I will get there too but you can't tell me how?