
“Sixers totally shot themselves in the foot by getting rid of a great guy and 2x GM of the year award, who totally isn’t dressed by his wife.”

My folks owned at one time both generations of vibe. The first gen vibe is still in the family hurtling towards 250k miles. It won’t die.

When my sister was looking for a new car before she moved halfway across the country, I told her to try to find a Vibe at a decent price and she ended up getting one. Vastly underrated for what it is and most people have no idea it’s just a rebadged Toyota Matrix, so you can usually find them for pretty cheap because

The flip side is I never see the bullshit “start/stop/pause” routine PK takers do during their run up is never called. It’s already hard enough to stop a penalty and the kid made a great save.

I wish every Masshole who treats Bob Fucking Kraft as if he were a saint; the guy who tried to move the team to fucking Hartford, the guy who was one of the first to legitimize Trump, the guy who more than anyone is why Goodell is commissioner, would line up and take turns eating my ass. Brady uses PEDs btw.

Every bus to the Stick was packed to the gills, and the wait to get back on the buses after the game was stupid long. Actual SF residents may have been outnumbered by people from the Peninsula or the North and South Bays, but those of us in the City absolutely did take those cutty ass MUNI lines, and they were fun as

Nice try BMW owner.

I hope they get rid of “The American” or at least cut the shtick. I didn’t find it funny at all and it was mostly really annoying.


I don’t know if it’s dumb but I bought a 2016 Santa Cruz Superlight R to match my 4-series:

He’s in the White Lodge.

If they had two guns each this wouldn’t have happened. - The NRA

I care. So you’re wrong.


Polestar Volvo C30

I was impressed watching it when I thought it was just one trailer when I realized it was mind was blown.

If I got caught in an Avalanche,

I’d lose all my street cred.