
Sidney (Corgi/Jack Russell ) *loves* cruising in my Pontiac but usually ends up trying to meet girls at stoplights.

YES. I’m just a gray so nobody will see this but I scanned the comments in the hopes that someone would say exactly this. “If my vote isn’t the deciding vote, it’s not worth my effort.” Fuck that.  Maybe it would be worth the effort for him if they gave out participation trophies instead of “I Voted” stickers.

Now playing

Same here! Then I remembered it was probably because of this:

When I saw the picture at the top, I assumed Madison Bumgarner was angry with another hitter for ignoring one of baseball’s unwritten rules.

Agreed! But Vladdy could’ve also pulled this down the third base line if he really set his mind to it.

Similar era, I was at a California Golden Seals game in Oakland and got smoked in the shoulder by a tipped slap shot. The puck then hit the ground, I tried to grab it with my one remaining functioning arm but it was snatched up uncle, who had brought me to the game. When the surrounding fans razzed him about

Lewis Black seems to be taking it well.

Bought a new iPhone 4 the day they came out. Put my new phone in my shirt pocket and walked out of the AT&T store to go back to my car. While pulling my car keys out of my pocket, I dropped them. Bent over to pick them up and my 5 minute-old phone shot out of my shirt pocket onto the concrete. Shattered, both the

*You’re* welcome...

Don't know if the red sweater had anything to do with it but I found myself really craving a cold pitcher of Kool Aid after watching that clip.

That's the most lethargic O-face I've seen in awhile. Her H-face and I-face were pretty depressing too. :(

I'm expecting "Sox Rid Themselves of Clubhouse Cancer"

If somebody made a Kickstarter campaign to put this kid in the outfield during next year's Home Run Derby at the All Star Game, I'd be in for $1,000.

There are a lot of people much richer than Heidi who don't have the balls to take on something like this. I hope there is a way we can track her progress on her journey.

Based on your findings from the 15.000 (?) Russian dashcam videos you've watched in the last 3 years, (Do you really watch 142.8 dashcam videos a day?) I promise I won't split lanes next time I am riding in Russia. Or if I do, I'll make sure the car behind me doesn't have a camera. But here in California, I will

+1 Fist pump

"There wasn't any help they could give..."

I inherited my stepdad's baseball card collection and this was always my favorite one. I was used to seeing the skin-tight double-knits of the 70's and 80's but this dude really seemed like he was from another dimension.

Any real biker knows that move only works on other bikes

"Thousands" seems strong. Maybe dozens.