
Nah. Lots of Democrats literally think they knowingly work for Russia. But yeah I like to have evidence before I assert things are true. Maybe you could try it one day instead of believing crazy elaborate conspiracy theories. Do you also think 9/11 was an inside job?

Trump is a Russian spy! Assange is a Russian spy! Jill Stein is a Russian spy! Now fucking Pam Anderson is a Russian spy! You’re ridiculous.

It’s actually possible to want to expose the corrupton and illegal activities of the American government without being blackmailed by the Kremlin. Just a thought.

That’s just sick. Why would you even say that? He wasn’t trying to fuck the dolphin, he was trying to get it to piss on him.

I’ve seen several articles already headlined “Beatty Reads Wrong WInner”.

“The night’s final award for Best Picture was initially announced by Warren Beatty as belonging to La La Land,...”

Yep shitty people can make good film, white people can make good film, shitty white people can make good film. He didn’t get an award for being an alleged sexual offender he got it for a great acting performance.

So do you think Bill Clinton sexually assaulted Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)? And Michael Jackson was an active pedophile? Etc, etc?

Mel Gibson was awesome. Those who spoke of him on the red carpet made it sound like he’s wonderful to work for, too. A few Jewish comments whilst being a drunk alcoholic (since sobered and reformed) don’t ruin it for me, shouldn’t for you either.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, it is because of all of the money they spend in California on social services to those that have never payed a cent in?

So in only two weeks Trump has ruined a dam built in the Kennedy Administration? Well, when California secedes they’ll fix it likety-split.

I can’t believe you believe the letter. St. Louis has been a black city for decades: it ain’t white people fucking it up.

Nothing! It’s their bodies and their relationship. Fuck or don’t fuck or wait a while or do what you want, and tell reporters to piss off because it’s none of their business.

The thing is he’s not wrong...

Theres respect and theres objective fact, this is more of the latter. Trump while a reprehensible person isnt wrong in this regard as America has BY FAR been the most militarily aggressive country in the world since Nazi Germany.

Vince Vaughn is white mediocrity personified.

Corporations are legal “persons.” That is a term of art that has some application in Constitutional law and has for a long time. His argument would be that if you don’t like it, change the Constitution.

No, but being a Federal Appellate justice is a good credential.

Ben Carson is apparently a good surgeon. If he was made the head of a surgery department in a major hospital. He won’t make a good head of HUD because he knows fuckall about it.