
There is no market for Nazi ideas.

If you’re a global warming denier, then I am sorry you are willfully wrong and uninformed.

It’s interesting that you’re unable to understand the difference between defending the marketplace of ideas and defending Nazis.

Nobody is required to reason with a willful moron.

This is an example of that love trumping hate business we’ve heard so much about, eh?

Wow. You’re absolute dogshit.

Conservatives are on average “happier” than democrats.

They didn’t remove Stormfront from their search results.

I’m looking forward to when they start de-emphasizing links to articles claiming carbon dioxide is a major source of climate change then, as I’m sure you are.

Ah. Those reasonable, intellectual liberals.

The one lacking understanding would be you, not me.

You’re arguing that Google has a right to de-emphasize or remove Stormfront’s link from their results.

People violate the rights of others every damn day. Are you daft?

You don’t understand what words mean.

Any “point of view” which cannot be squared with reality has no value and does not deserve a platform like Google,

Would you want the librarian to burn any book or magazine that contained an article suggesting the Holocaust didn’t happen? If the library stocked them, would you want them removed from the card catalog?

Why are liberals so uncomfortable with the idea that people disagree with them?

SEO isn’t “manipulation”, and since they claimed the #1 spot, it was objectively successful SEO.

Slander and libel are civil, not criminal, and “hate speech” isn’t illegal.

You’re objectively terrible.