
The information provided is completely false. So no harm at all is done by removing it.

The First Amendment can only be violated by the government, not by other individuals.

This is Google deciding that their search algorithm should only produce factual material.

Freedom of expression doesn’t rely on the 1st Amendment, and it’s absolutely possible for non-governmental entities to violate your rights.

Anyone else think this is a bad thing?

Anyone else think this is a bad thing?


The snark is amusing, but kind of stupid.

You do something completely superfluous, so get high as you wish.

You have to be willing to tolerate a pretty high level of incompetence if you’re going to read Jezebel.

You, also, apparently missed the part where the school was unaware of the charges.

I guess you missed the part where the school was unaware of the charges.

Atheists aren’t very good at thinking, are they.

Why is Everything so awful?


I get that facts don’t much matter to a typical Feminist, but no.

would have thought the sentence was enough of an indicator, but my lady brain seems to see things that aren’t there.

The CJP voted 11-0 on his exoneration; 5 of those 11 are women.

You really need to get help.

Feminists don’t tend to have the ability to behave as adults, or they wouldn’t be Feminists.