
Well, it does include a few more exclusive bit but all told, this isn’t worth the extra $25,000 by a long shot.

Bradley! You should recognize facetiousness when it smacks you upside the head.

I just love how the seller makes a point of stating that the scratches are from a previous owner. Also: if it just needs a stator, why didn’t the seller fix it?

Sounds like they didn’t improve it. My Sena 5S did include foam spacers but that would have made it painful on my ears. I always wear earplugs, too, and can hear my comm at, er, extra-legal speeds. I don’t know how I even rode for over 30 years before I got my first comm system eight years ago! Technology!

How’s the sound on that? I have a GT-Air II and the reviews for that generation of the SRL were I got a Sena 5S and am pretty happy with it (I’d be more happy if the voice control was easier to use).

For the feet: get windproof/waterproof boots (like with Gore-Tex), they’ll help keep heat in BUT get yourself some 12V heated insoles (or get 7V socks or insoles if you enjoy having to remember to charge up your gear before wearing it).

That is incorrect.

Fuck Elon...for saying something I agree with (and for all the bullshit he spouts).

Okay, so: “Must be nice to be in the next income bracket after that income bracket!”

Motorcycle haters? How do I put this eloquently? Oh! Got it:

$4K? I guess that’s insignificant compared to the car’s sale value. Must be nice to be in that income bracket.

Oh, please! These are not the “facts” that we believe. We have alternate facts that are superior to yours. — Elon stans and MAGAts

Damn. It’s only 9am and you’ve made me sad.

Contrary to what one commenter said, this is awesome goodness! And I love how they dubbed in the sounds of a crackling wood fire on top of the roar of the rocket engines. If you get the volume right, it’s almost the same, soothing sound of jet liner with the wood fire crackle. While my actual fire place provides heat,

BREAKING NEWS! Sasquatch was a co-conspirator in the crime and was waiting on the ground to catch Cooper in his arms!

It’s quite obvious that because of the stormy conditions that night, that Cooper exited the plane at such a shallow angle that he skipped on the atmosphere and bounced into space.

Having a second set of wheels can be the “expensive boots vs cheap boots” argument: I used to use Les Schwab (it’s a Pacific Northwest thing) but only had one set of wheels. So it cost me like $35 every time I needed to swap the winter for summer tires or vice versa, so $70 a year (this was about 7 years ago).

That’s hilarious.

Oh! I just read that and realized I misspelled “lustre”! Thanks—and I do agree with what you wrote except I do not think that Andretti cars would be at the back of the field.

I didn’t say anything about FOM being scared of Andretti. And I don’t think that was an issue, either, although maybe he didn’t act like some British nobility and didn’t bow and scrape in their presence and they were immediately offended by such a bourgeoisie? Something like that and FOM dug in their heals and said no