I disagree. While Haas is an American team and there are American F1 races, there’s definitely (IMO) a snobby Euro attitude towards Americans from Formula 1. “They don’t have class.” -- to be fair, we don’t have their type of snobby class. “We’re a bunch of yahoos.” -- to be fair, many are but they aren’t the ones…
Tom? You just don’t get it! I can save $2,447 a month!
Counter-point: Republican-majority House and Senate plus a MAGA-biased Supreme Court. They will enable much of his fuckery, including approving funding and knocking down legal challenges.
Let’s hope that they opted for the full-coverage damage insurance.
Not only that, but I’ve driven a 27' box truck (I don’t know the full length of the vehicle) with a car carrier (about 20' long) over 300 miles on public roads with zero training.
Conquering territory is “easy.” It’s the control afterwards that’s the Devil.
I totally get it, Amber. I’m all about aspirational stuff...and disappointed when I find that I’m not actually doing the stuff that I dreamed I’d be doing. Outdoors goods (haven’t camped in over 5 years), my car (it’s a Crosstrek and I do drive snowy-icy roads a couple days each week during ski season but haven’t hit…
This has been Max’s M.O. as long as he has been in F1 (and probably dates back to his karting days). Sure, other drivers have made overly aggressive and dangerous moves in the past but this is not to be excused and dismissed as some “whataboutism” thing. He does it all the time and the F1 stewards rarely do anything…
I do like it, despite the rear deck looking like a toilet seat lid.
“...such losers!”
I ordered the A229 Plus Duo yesterday, 2K front and rear. I’m hoping for good things. I’m not sure why I’m buying it, maybe I bought into the fear of insurance fuckery (either someone lying about an accident or actual insurance fraud). I mean, they’re both fraud, right? I checked out some installation videos for my…
I don’t think you know what misogynist means.
Now you’re just throwing insults at the wall hoping something sticks. Like I said, you’re a pathetic dinosaur.
You’re a day late! I ordered the A229 Plus Duo (with all the fixins: $296). It’s got a lot more features but it’s 2K front and 2K rear. I did some research and there seemed to be some issues with 4K including over-heating and memory consumption so I felt the A229 split the difference between the A129 Pro and the A229…
Your mom doesn’t have a dick. Gay-bashing (hilariously lame against a straight guy) is just showing the kind of hateful person you are, in addition to your racism. You’re a pathetic dinosaur.
Funny! That’s what you mom called you last night. Man, that woman sucks like a Hoover!
Just curious, because now I’m looking: do you have the Plus (2K) or the Pro (4K) and if it’s the Pro, are the features really worth the extra $35?