
Well, that’s smart because then you know if there are black helicopters following you...

Those are only available to qualified law enforcement personnel.

My *current* rear license plate frame:

Ooh, ouch, spank me harder, daddy.

Tell us you’re an asshole without...oh, wait! You’ve made it clear that you’re an asshole. Now: STFU about this, nobody gives a shit anymore about what happened and definitely not about you.

Isn’t that like the Nissan Versa of the Mercedes line?

If you have somebody who can take your measurements, they can work with that. You don’t need to go there or a pop-up event to get a custom suit. Depending on your climate and how much of the year you ride, I recommend the R3--it weighs a little less and it’s cooler in hot weather (I’ve had one one-piece and two

Name checks out.

I don’t know but everybody just calls her “Karen.”

Orange Human Failure: “...and this big man, strong man, tears rolling down his cheeks says, “Sir? Sir—I just want to thank you for opening up the employment doors so my 12 year-old son could get a job.”

100% this guy is MAGA and owns a shirt that says “Fuck Your Feelings” and his wife is known by every store manager in their city.

Amber, I haven’t ridden with a modular (or it’s been so long I’ don’t remember!) but any additional weight will be forgotten after a ride or three. For your videography needs, I think one (a good one!) will be fine.

I wrote for a motorcycle cruiser magazine for two years. One of my personal rules was that I would never wear anything less than a full-face helmet, including for photo shoots.

Tell us you’re a racist by...well, telling us you’re a racist.

Funny!! I had not heard of Love’s but was driving back from the Seattle area to Oregon two weeks ago and it was about 7 or 8 pm and I NEEDED COFFEE STAT! Finally pulled off of I-5 to a Love’s, got my coffee and...can confirm: it was actually good! Way better than 7-Eleven or ARCO. We don’t have any of those other

Wow, it’s really much simpler and less “loaded”:

0 fucks to give people like this guy.

ALWAYS wear earplugs. Always.

I totally relate to this:

That’s my thought, too. I’m not blaming owners like Peter, but Hyundai. At least they made good by him but nothing makes up for the frustration and time lost.