
“Debree of Hubree”?

I don’t think there’s any minimum price as long as the vehicle is mechanically and structurally sound. But it’s 2024 so I’d put in the caveats that the vehicle also has to have ABS and front and side airbags.

Oh! That’s fantastic! You all are looking at this wrong but I know exactly what to with it (if only I had the money...GoFundMe?):

Yeah, came here to say “Chrysler LeBaron.” And wouldn’t that have been less expensive overall of the owner that converted their 200SX? And with better structural integrity?

From 2008 to 2016, I lived in Glendale, CA. Every August (?) there was a “hot summer nights” type of car show downtown. Really, the show was very nice, family-oriented, free, blah blah blah. Unfortunately, a good 90% of the cars were same year after year. Lowriders, old-timey vintage cars, etc. After two years, it was

Sleeping on the tracks??? I’m going to go out on a limb here (pun intended) and say that drugs and/or alcohol were involved.

Bro-dozers with oversized wheels AND spacers making the thing a good 6" wider (or more) on each side. This shit:

It’s illegal in a lot of places (some? all? I’m not sure), it’s just not enforced enough.

Since I left there, I have visited once just to say “hi.” I never get Starbucks drinks though I have bought some of their coffee on sale at the supermarket (but never full retail!).

“We’re just cutting down too many trees to make paper forks, people! We’re going to switch from paper forks to just using your right hand.”

Jesus, dude! It’s fucking 2024—do you not know what an ad blocker is or how to install one???

More people should know at least one version of “The Aristocrats.”

Yes, we should drive him up there in a caravan!

If only the right knew that Starbucks (under a few conditions) pays for trans people to get partial/full reassignment surgery, they’d really blow a gasket. (Using the word “gasket” keeps this a Jalopnik/Planelopnik discussion.)

As a former Starbucks barista, I issue with that statement. To be fair, though, only a small percent of people (5% tops) actually order plain coffee or straight espresso. Everybody is adding milk, cream, and/or buckets of sugar (via the syrups) to their drinks.

Fucking hilarious, whether or not it’s legitimate rage or simply YouTube clickbait performance.

I could drive that...if I could figure out that neo-art deco/steam punk array of levers and gauges...and had a few million dollars (I’m guessing it’s value—$2M?)

The Mazda Mirai? “Worst Concept Cars..”? No, it was an AWESOME concept car!

Re: Audi Rosemeyer: not a good idea to name a car after a favorite son of the Nazis: