
No disagreement from me. Perhaps I’m wrong, but didn’t this country and it’s wealthy thrive even back when the top income tax bracket was paying 77% after WWI and 94% from 1944 through 1963?

Ohhh, SNAP!

I imagine at the moment of conflagration that there were firemen running around like mad with 1/2-filled buckets of water and “Yakity-Sax” was playing somewhere in the distance. (It’s 2024, so no French maid-clad buxom lass in the picture.)

Gosh, all these very very very very rich people and yet they need other people’s money to pay for stuff (see also: Trump, Donald, circa 2015: “I won’t need campaign donations...”).

And with that, you could probably earn more money than the banks will earn on those loans.

ND: too many issues. As a non-CA resident, those unpaid fees are a non-issue for me as long as the seller has the title. However, these bikes are not appreciating in value any longer (and definitely not one in this condition). The exhausts are likely irreplaceable and unable to be restored. As noted, even when in good

1) Except for the very oldest among these (like the Duesenberg), I just couldn’t own any of the road vehicles and not drive them. Especially the Ferraris, they all beg to be driven.

That 1947 Ford Business Coupe screams “moonshine runner” to me.

I would have used a Toyota Hi-Lux as a base for this. After adding armor and weaponry, I would still have about $80,000 left over for ammunition that this guy blew on his fragile Cybertruck. Like you’re going to be able to find a charging station and be able to sit immobile for hours while it recharges in a war zone?

Me, too! I wasn’t great at it, I usually went in reverse which gave me more time to target the enemies.

Chelsea Handler in part of her response to Vance’s “childless cat-ladies” comment:

That’s the thing: China’s government seems to be willing to do anything in order to become the number one economy in the world. AND they think Americans are idiots.

craigslist ad:

The ground drone carrying the bomb was sent over a narrow, intact section of a partially destroyed bridge along Metalista Street...

Colin Jost and Pete Davidson: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I agree with Porsche: it looks cool.

Sure, buddy. I’m not the veteran slagging off on other veterans. But, sure, I’m a sad little man.

I’m pouring one out right now for all the suckers who believe in that marketing.

You suddenly went from “respected veteran” to asshole. Service is service. The people in combat don’t function without the rest of the military, active duty, reserves and National Guard. So: fuck you.

“Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)“ -- The Offspring