Sikorsky helicopter:
Sikorsky helicopter:
Hey, Haters! Yes, YOU! Answer this:
Thanks, Matt!
I would agree that this is an issue in all top-level motorsports series, that teams are unwilling to go with untested rising talent versus veterans who have shown that they can handle the vehicle but will never be anywhere near the championship again/ever. I think “new blood” in a series is always exciting—what can…
Pennies?? Look at Richie Rich over here! Back in MY day we were happy with squished SLUGS!!*
I just watched the movie “Ferrari” two nights ago. I know I was watching a movie but I also know the crash and carnage at the 1957 Mille Miglia were real. I could hardly watch that scene. And, I recall that there have been even greater numbers of people killed in other race car crashes. These days, I’m always shocked…
Because it’s too easy?
I would agree about cruises on the giant, multiple-thousands of tourist ships. That seems ridiculous to me. But I was on a week-long Alaska cruise on a smaller ship and it was pretty great! Of course, that’s my only cruise experience.
I don’t know anything about that Lola but it is the epitome of “dope”...unless you’ve got megabucks and can afford one of the cars from the movie “Ferrari.”
How about this, asshole: it doesn’t matter where I’m from (and it’s not “the South”), only that you understood exactly what I meant.
“He gets paid millions of dollars to race in real life, not online lol.” FIFY.
“...and that is why on Day 1 of my presidency that I will outlaw EVs and hybrids and mandate a payphone be installed on every street corner in the country! And not just payphones, but coal-powered payphones!”
“Ma’am? Did you try rebooting your car?”
It’s not simply that he has done things like this before.
Amber DaSilva FTW! Yes, lane splitting for motorcyclists needs to be legal in all 50 states and US territories and should be based on the California model. Some of the other states that have made this legal have such neutered laws that it’s essentially pointless.
IDK, on my computer, I’ve got “mute,” “skip” and “fast forward” capabilities when watching YouTube videos...