
Really? 65,000 mugs were ordered?

What is isn’t wrong with this person? How are people like this (she’s not the only one) getting elected? What’s wrong with voters? How did we get to “political party over common sense”?

Right back at ya, buddy! :-)

9 stars for me, none for you.

This is what happens when your car company goes to a Cars & Coffee event and asks the driver of the shiniest Ford Mustang if they’d like to drive their new car.

Honestly, I’d only been there a couple of weeks and I didn’t have anything to do with the service department so this “offer” surprised me. As it came from my direct manager, I thought it was okay.

You don’t get it, do you? That’s okay.

Oh, we definitely had fun! Although I did “crash” one time and my chest landed right on the end of the Jet-Ski handlebar. Ouch.

Mazda B2000 Longbed Pickup Truck.

Unfortunately for that customer, money and repairs won’t make it right (if repairs are even possible, the article says the car was “totaled”). If the car can be repaired and titled, it will now have a branded title, significantly reducing its value. And, as far as the customer is concerned, their rare (rare-ish?)

Confession time: when I was 25 years-old, I briefly worked as a salesperson at a motorcycle dealership. One Saturday afternoon, the sales manager (probably about 30 years-old), asked if I wanted to go test out a customers Kawasaki Jet-Ski (yes, Jet-Ski) to see if the repairs had been successful. I thought, “Why not?”

I don’t care what the DOT says: a three-wheeler (whether the double wheels are in front or back) is not a motorcycle.

It’s still country.

Yes, but the Hertz order for 100,000 was placed in 2021. Presumably deliveries began in 2022, to they can’t all be attributed to Tesla’s 2023 sales numbers. And it’s not like other vehicles aren’t also being purchased for rental car and other fleet purposes.

Okay, in 2023, somehow, the Tesla Model Y was the number one selling the world? Are they actually good? reliable? durable? well-made? And, if so, how on earth is the Cybertruck such a brushed stainless steel turd coming from the same manufacturer?

I know people have followed driving apps into bodies of water and road-less fields, but on to train tracks?

Dude, you don’t have to bend over for Elon! Think for yourself!

Yeah, I just haven’t been able to fathom this “bonus” since it was first discussed last year (or maybe 2022).

That Ducati Monster isn’t very inspiring given that most of the photos show it strapped to a tow truck.

See also: The Boys — Homelander and Vought Corporation; U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump