Kerwin White

A simple explanation: You are watching a story where the underdog is beating every foe thrown in his path. The story keeps telling you that he's the scrappy hero who is about to beat the odds and overcome every adversity. Then, he gets hit by a car and the story switches over to someone else. THAT is how the crowd

I'm just going to share this story from last Saturday. A good money-making night- the restaurant is packed, we're trying to turn over tables. Of course half of them are fucking campers. So when another 8 top of 40 something year olds roll in, I'm begging my manager to give them to me. Bright eyed and with an imaginary

i read your first line and didn't read the rest because you're a fucking asshole.

I have a masssssive bag of Kettle Brand Country Style BBQ Potato Chips.

It must be such a relief to see something black on the floor in Chicago that isn't Derrick Rose.

This one is my favorite too.

"2 p.m. — VH-1 — Pulp Fiction

My first thought rewatching Friends was "What the fuck is Susan's problem?" Susan is an awful jerk from the first moment she appears in the series. She's at Carol's sonogram catching an attitude with Ross the whole time, like he is some sort of bad guy for showing up and wanting to be in the baby's life. Also, she

Time Enough at Last! So good!

OMG I cannot wait for People All Out Of Fucks week!

Don't shut the fuck up. Kerwin White was a great gimmick.

Absolutely right on.

I think Hogan was just paranoid about sharing the spotlight with anyone. Nice screen name btw.