Man, its almost like you want a Space where you can feel Safe from views that challenge your preconceived notions...
Man, its almost like you want a Space where you can feel Safe from views that challenge your preconceived notions...
See you next week.
We’re actually having a great traffic month if anyone is curious.
See you tomorrow.
I await SB Nation’s longform apologia that suggests Mr. Price became violence only after he failed to make it as a writer for the New Yorker.
Yeah that was a good book.
Do you remember the first snap he took? He looked like a rocket ship when he hit the straightaway at the 35:
This is more offensive than it is dumb, but only just.
This is just the worst opinion
If that one thing is shootingdribblingpassingstealing you might be right.
Frankly? Given the loads of evidence that pedophilia is an inborn trait, I don’t hold it against people who have those urges but actively refrain from acting on them and make sure never to hurt anybody.
Sarah Palin is a woman, and so is Hillary Clinton.
The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.
I made the light wall from Stranger Things - It’s programmable so I can type any message into it.
Okay, we get it. You’re another white person who doesn’t understand or care about cultural appropriation (probably because you don’t have a culture). Instead of accepting that POC have different and frankly, more of a right to an opinion on this issue than you, you have to troll and tell everyone what they feel is…
Can you not
Harbaugh’s salary isn’t really 9 million; 4 million of that is an interest-free loan that went right to a life insurance premium that gets paid back when the policy is cashed - Michigan gets their 4 million back before anything else. It’s obviously a substantial benefit, and the interest-free aspect of it certainly…
it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts…
The world doesn’t only exist under your gaze, SalMandini. This is not “suddenly” an issue.
In my parent’s house, there are framed photos of two very sad women. One is my great grandmother, who stopped speaking for 2 years when her daughter died after falling down a well. The other is my great great aunt, who died of a botched abortion when she was 17. It’s never been a family secret or a morality tale, just…