
What beating? Scum on the streets don't turn into angels once they are in prison.

What's it to you anyway? Don't you have some Cheetos that you could be eating instead of whining?

That's easy. Try Yale.

GD. Now I'm crying at work. :(

*Bursts into tears*

Porque? Unless I'm missing something, they are both so cute.

Is "real rape" anything like "rape rape?"

Thank you Tanya Kelly!


Serious question: How old are you?

Reading comprehension fail. Read the statement again, here it is, for your convenience:

My statement on unreported rapes ties in, in that it shows that the rate of false accusations are even lower than rates of false reporting of other major crimes. Most rapes are not even reported so that 2% figure only counts reported rapes.

False rape accusations occur at the same rate as false reports of other major crimes, about 2%. Since the majority of rapes are NOT reported, that rate is even lower. This is not something to get bent out of shape about.

"Mr. Hurd himself later reposted the photo on one of his Twitter accounts, with a caption saying, "Yeah that's me the falsely accused stalker."

What? In English please.

If that were the case then most crimes would be one person's word against another's. Robbery? No way, this person GAVE me their wallet. Assault? Nope, this person is totally into having people hit them. Arson? The property owner ASKED me to set fire to their home for an insurance claim. Carjacking? What are

Then why bring up false accusations in the first place? You might as well bring up Leggionnaire's disease or being struck by lightning. Both are more likely to occur to men than being falsely accused of ANY crime.

^ This.

Gifts of tiaras are perfectly proper. I'll allow it. (tilts head and nods head almost regally). :)

I had to scroll up and look for it. Such a sweet puppy, I'll take two please :)