That's weird. I just get some extra batteries and am good to go. Why waste time perving on somebody?
If biology is more powerful than common sense or decency then why don't these creeps just jerk it? Seems like they went through a lot more effort to sneak in, set up camera's etc.
"But saying "you look nice" in passing is completely harmless."
It's "so" not "sew" dammit!
You're betting off dismissing that troll. It only wants a reaction.
It's called a "sundress." Women tend to wear those when the weather is nice.
Thank you! This is exactly how I wanted to write but could not express it clearly enough. These guys probably have a host of personality disorders but they are not "insane."
No. I unfortunately viewed Rodgers rantings on YouTube. He was not of diminished capacity at all. Rodgers took PUA/MRA thinking to its logical and extreme conclusion: a bunch of privileged guys whining that the world has changed, that women have agency and then acting out like 2 year olds because they refuse to…
Are we going off the "he's white or white-looking therefore he MUST be mentally ill" excuse? Rodgers, felt entitled to make a public display of rage for perceived slights. Don't call them psychotic, they are not. These guys are not of diminished responsibility or capacity, they just can't accept NOT being handed…
Elliot Rodgers was not a "fucking psycho." He was an overly entitled man-child who was upset that he couldn't buy a girlfriend the way he could buy everything else.
You're right. It's a never-ending cycle of awful.
Geoffrey Graves, a cop in San Jose, has also been arrested for raping a (supposed) undocumented woman. These guys deliberately target their victims from among those who are least likely to be believed or are most vulnerable. smdh.
Well, ignoring it doesn't seem to make it go away. I think "friendzone" is worse than just unrequited love. In the context that it is presented (Esquire article) it is implying that a woman's friendship is worthless.
I would suggest that you take the time to educate yourself on street harassment. Not every guy who catcalls is a threat to women. BUT, every woman has a story about a guy who got aggressive when he was ignored. We can't tell who is going to go off and who isn't.
Well, he found Mrs. Right. He's just looking for Mrs. Right-now. *sigh* :(
I don't think so: remember she has you as a parent setting the example. :0
I believe you! Men with fedoras ARE the devil indeed. ;)
Wonderful! I hope you teach your child also that when "curmudgeons aplenty" give clear signals that they want to be left alone that your child respects that.
You phrase it so much more effectively though! I'm really glad that places like Jezebel exist, by reading other responses it helps me to articulate better WHY these "little things" are so bothersome and where they come from.