For people who do not know: those tags hanging off their clothes were filled out with their names, numbers as assigned by the US Government and the internment camp that they were assigned to.
For people who do not know: those tags hanging off their clothes were filled out with their names, numbers as assigned by the US Government and the internment camp that they were assigned to.
Isee it as similar to “All in the Family.” Archie Bunker was THE WORST, but no one took him seriously. He highlighted the absurdity of all kinds of bigotry and we were supposed to laugh at him and his beliefs.
Why do you believe sexual assault should be treated differently from other crimes? In no other crime is the target referred to as “the accuser.” They are called “the victim.”
Hypothetically speaking of course, rape is an attack. Have you ever hypothetically spoken to any ER nurse? Rape is not hypothetical unwanted sex. The hypothetical rapists tend to beat the hypothetical victims. Hypothetical broken noses, knocked out teeth and hypothetical bruising and bites are evident. The only…
Well, hypothetically speaking. When I hypothetically read through the hypothetical various crime news reports that are hypothetically online, I can’t help but hypothetically notice that they all hypothetically have something in common. They hypothetically refer to the person attacked/robbed/what have you as “the…
Holy crap! I’ve never been able to stomach the full video until just now. That baby’s lips and tongue actually start to turn blue from lack of oxygen.
Is this a house or Grand Central station? Two staircases?
I put in a few American copper pennies (pre-1982) and find that the flower also perk right up. Especially with tulips, works like a charm.
Um, I think you need to take your meds.
No. You do not have the “freedom” or “right” or “choice” to act a potential carrier of deadly diseases.
I believe that there is a limit as to who can write the exemptions (meaning no chiropracters, no acupuncturists etc.). It would make sense (to me at least) that most physicians will carefully vet who qualifies for a medical exemption as they do not want their malpractice premiums to go up.
Except that nobody is being forced to do anything. SB277 is a good compromise that allows parents to continue to make a choice for their children while minimizing the risk to others. Transmission of a highly contagious disease is much more likely in a classroom than a quick encounter on a playground or other community…
They certainly have the money to hire top notch tutors as well!
It is a beautiful lily scent and still in production!
Jean Paul Gaultier made a tuberose-based scent named “Fragile” but it was sadly discontinued. You can still find it on Ebay. I love how the bottle is shaped like a snow globe with a little-black-dress clad lady inside of it.
I found a perfect rose scent in “White Rose” by Shiseido. This one is very difficult to find in the United States but you can buy samples off the decant sites and order directly from Shiseido if you like it. It smells exactly like a rose in bloom, not cloying or heavy at all.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
The success rate for one round of IVF varies depending on age, health and a host of other factors.
YOU! Out of the grays with ye. This story needs to be read.