
It's not exactly a secret though. *shrugs*

Wow, racist and sexist. Such a charmer you are.

Do you say "hello" to random men that you come across? Are you teaching your 4-year old to say "hello" to random men? Why not?


When "good evening" is accompanied by staring at her ass, that is when it is harassment. They are trying to get her attention by being "polite" so that she will notice that they are being creepy. In short: they are trying very hard to make her uncomfortable.

Do you similarly say "hello" to men that you don't know? Why not?

Thank you! That's a great start. We can begin with all the butthurt "men" who are inconvenienced by showing the basic manners that they were taught growing up.

"But men are going to look at women, women are going to look at men"

The probability of failure is very high. Vast majority of women are trying to get from point A to point B. They are not looking for a romantic partner. What is wrong with online dating, or book clubs or photography classes?

These "men" tend to act like this when they are with friends or other guys are nearby. It has nothing to do with the women, it is all about puffing themselves up for the benefit of other guys.

"I wonder if they edit out the ones where she is approached by a tall and handsome stranger, that is her type, and she is totally into it?"

I know you're a troll but I'll bite: The woman is not responsible for anything. Criminals are responsible for their actions though.

She strikes me as "entitled" more than anything. ;)

Does this woman have her own life independent of hanging onto the coattails of others ?

I challenge anyone to be able to taste the difference between Fat free cream cheese and Vaseline.

In other words, this is just another form of "negging."

And yet, you keep doing so ..........

I'm not talking. I'm typing. Now why don't you know the difference? And, most importantly, you need to back on down and continue with what Mama likes!

You are so cute! Why in the world would I give you up? I think I've found my (almost intelligent) soul-mate.

The law offices of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe I suspect. I doubt that you've even of age to be rejected by the University of Phoenix but you go on with your delusions.