Why do some people refuse to read the article that would explain this point nicely?
Why do some people refuse to read the article that would explain this point nicely?
The overwhelming majority of women are not looking for a relationship or a hookup as they go to/from work. They want to be left alone. Why is this concept so hard for some men?
Just like honey is bee puke. Delicious!
Thank you! What the heck is this "Get ready for bikini season" anyway? If you want to put one on, put it on. Does dieting or working out somehow make you tan more evenly or swim any better? I'm at the beach to have a good time, not to worry about how I look.
Nope. I refer to people as "men" and "women." Perhaps you would care to improve your grasp of the English langauge and do the same.
"When other females ..."
What cho talkin' 'bout Willis?
Did you go to my high school? This was very close to my experience. Doesn't matter if you were in all the Honors or AP courses or what volunteer or after-school activities you did. Some of the teachers and most of the administrators just saw a brown face and wrote you off.
I'm perfectly serious. You are the one who comes here and whines. Maybe you look a little deeper at yourself instead of flapping your fingers.
I've never seen a mail-order groom website. "Plain Joe's" have more options as they can always buy themselves a wife.
Well, the majority of men are able to interact with women without being creepy or acting like a whiny-boy "Nice Guy" so ........
I think this reply might have been meant for somebody else. :)
"If you're a woman and nobody approaches you, you're SOL."
Keep telling yourself that Mr. "Nice Guy."
I do understand that forgiveness is really about the survivor in this case. I still do not understand why she needs to tell him that she forgives him. He likely doesn't care and why does he need to hear it anyway? It's about her, why involve him in this?
Why not just use the term "celibate" then? "Involuntarily celibate" makes it sound as if the person is being unfairly denied sex aka "entitlement."
What does "involuntarily celibate" even mean?
Thank you, this is really a great explanation! It makes much more sense to me now. Pfizer does have that "hurdle" to get over but I'm sure being the Market leader for ED drugs does quite a bit to alleviate any hurt feelings they have over all the jokes made at their expense. :)
Look at her itty-bitty waist. How is that even possible?