
Can any Marketing people help me out here? Viagra pills are generally advertised with a man all by himself or doing solo activities. Cialis shows couples together: walking on the beach or dancing etc. What demographic is Viagra going for? It doesn't make sense to me to show a man all by himself unless the

I completely disagree. Did that nasty-ass person ask for permission before they put their athlete's foot covered, toe-nail fungusy, stinky, unwashed, leathery, yellowed feet up on the armrest? Did they say "please" or ask nicely?

The smell. I don't think some people are aware of how rank their tootsies are.

I had an older boss who had a female proctologist. He noted that she had "very soft hands."

They only fake it when they are with you though!

Mike Tyson appealed his rape conviction and lost that as well. At some point, people have to take responsibility for their actions and stop making excuses for their criminal behavior.

Was that the same situation with those 3 guys when you were a teenager? You've related the story many times that you were raped. Is it possible that they just didn't treat you respectfully afterwards and you got upset over that?

Considered a "seriously mishandled case" by who?

What does this paragraph mean? I truly do not understand what is written here.

"it only changes how legal proceedings in rape cases will operate by treating rape unlike every other crime."

"The problem is most sexual encounters don't involve "affirmative consent."

"People are annoyed."

What is wrong with an enthusiastic "yes?" If you (general "you") are not getting an enthusiastic responses and a "Yes," you might want to brush up on your bedroom skills

Reading comprehension fail.

No. I don't care what your intent was, your manner of illustrating your point is the problem.

Did you seriously just accuse Writer4003 of getting emotional?

No. You made the comment about locking one's doors. You are equating women with inanimate objects even if you are unable to see that. I can assure you that women do not as a rule like being equated with property.

So in other words: No, you do not speak to other men.

Um, women and their vaginas are not inanimate objects that should be "locked up."

I did not say "commenting" I said "talking." Do you, Egnar the first of your handle, talk verbally, with spoken words, in a langauge that others can understand, to other men about what consent is and isn't?