
Oh... I, uh, don’t know if I’ll still come around anymore much after this.

I’m going to take a wild stab at this here; was she by any chance.......a minority?

Trust me, there is NOBODY riding a motorcycle in Albany, NY in February....

Well you have to admit he fits right in with the we’re-supposed-to-be-writers-but-are-incompetent-at-writing American crowd that he works with now.

Good lord, where’s the downvote button. If your god is going to damn people to an eternity in hell for capitalizing a word, he/she is a real prick. I hope you don’t wear any sort of fabric blends, those are forbidden in Leviticus. Or eat shrimp or pork, again forbidden. And definitely don’t touch anyone who’s on

BMW has been trying and failing to get people to bite on their turn signal service one for years.

Sorry, but if Lewis had pitted, he would’ve come out behind Verstappen. As the way things stood AT THE TIME (and not knowing that the stewards would allow only a partial go-around for lapped cars..), they would’ve run the risk of losing the race by it ending under yellow. Also, a restart with Verstappen ahead would’ve

You know the comedy is good when several writers have to argue with commenters about how it’s funny. 

It wasn’t funny.

The difficulty is that it’s increasingly hard to distinguish between Jalopnik being ignorant, and Jalopnik pretending to be ignorant as a joke. Given the site’s general “fuck you” attitude toward its readers, this article really isn’t far away from something they’d post in all seriousness.

Comedy is supposed to be funny.

Can I block articles from a specific writer?

Is this article some sort of joke”

Are you trying to tell me “Should Max Verstappen Just Crash Into Lewis Hamilton” is a non-joke article?”

Word on the street is that comedy is supposed to be funny.

I get that this is supposed to be funny, but it feels like most of the blogs on this site are now this kind of “ha ha I know nothing about cars isn’t that funny?” writing, and…it’s just not funny. Sometimes it’s okay to write a real blog about the topic without trying to be purposefully obtuse about it. Some of us

You do know that is an Indy Car in the first photo, right?

The guy who drove around with his high beams only for 3 weeks because he couldn’t replace a low beam headlight is very quick to condescend to “unskilled workers”.

Flagstaff is not the “middle of nowhere” bud.

This. Also, I’ve never been on a road trip (especially through parts unknown) and thought to myself: “You know what I absolutely need right now? New brake fluid.”