
My roommate's brother actually took a gender studies course with the specific goal of meeting girls (and presumably because it fit one of his requirements). I laughed long and hard when I found that out. Although I guess it's not the worst way to meet someone.

Women be peoplein'!

"You would think more guys in college would jump at an opportunity to be in a class surrounded by women where participation is mandated /discussions."

I keep reading this and getting more annoyed.

Anyway. Some guys think their cars are their penises.

Having grown up in New York, on the water, in close proximity to swans.... fuck 'em. Kill 'em and let god sort them out. Swans are the biggest fucking assholes on the face of the planet. If birds wore hats, they would wear fedoras.

Dear Powers that Be at Jezebel:

Please feel free to go look the studies up by yourself. They exist out there, easy to find as a Google search. If you care, you'll take the time to look them up.

I think I can explain.

She spelled "faith" as "faif." FAIF. I am dying from cute.

When you go on about people being in a crusade against you, you have in fact made yourself into a victim. All it would take is a simple "Let's get back on topic, what happened to this woman is bad and I don't condone it" to steer this away from being about your victimization.

I have zero problems with Medicare being used to pay for something like this. A fulfilling sex life is important to one's overall health. This isn't just a guy issue—statistically speaking, a lady is going to be on the other side of this boner. The only issue I have, frankly, is the ridiculous overspending. (That

Draws a circle in salt on the floor, lights a candle, and whispers the words of summoning...

This brings me much joy.

This commercial must be made of allergens and dust that are beaming directly into my eyes.

I like my Christmas lights like I like my gated communities: lily white.

Of course that made you a football player. Why would you not be? Doing something as a hobbyist doesn't make it not "real". It just makes you an amateur or hobbyist. A person who takes photos as a hobby is still a photographer - just not a professional photographer. A person who plays football regularly for fun is

I snapped a screenshot of every wardrobe change in episode one of the first series:

You know, ALL of these statements can be true:

This issue hits a little close to home for me for other reasons. I am white and my husband is Korean American and because of this some people have assumed that I have a 'thing' for asians and must fetishize my husband's culture. He is the only asian man I have ever dated (or married lol) but I can't go to a Jet Li