
Well, she had her passport seized by the prince’s people after Charlene was, um, detained en route to Nice, where, reportedly, she was going to catch a flight back to South Africa. So, you know, she was probably not into the whole marrying thing.

These two giving off weird vibes? And after they looked so joyously in love at their wedding!

At least he wasn’t in the back with an alter boy

Hey, at least he wasn’t fucking altar boys.

THANK YOU. Surprised that this is the first comment to point this out! FFS, hoverboarding was a “wake up call” for this priest, but they covered up child molestation for decades/centuries?

Imagine if they acted this quickly over child abuse allegations......

Diddling children: forgivable with coverup.

Just so I get this right, no to hover boards, yes to child rape?

The Lord replied, “My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of suffering, when you could see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you. On my hoverboard. Next to some other guy who was walking. Because otherwise this parable doesn’t make sense.”

If they’d only been so quick to respond when a priest was accused of raping a child...

Pedophilia = Location reassignment, try to do better next time

In a perfect world, this priest would be celebrated for his joyfulness, and Whoopi Goldberg would be yanked from all media to permanently silence her obnoxious pie hole.

One of the priests in my parish only molested kids.

More punishment for using a hoverboard than for child molestation. Seems legit, Catholic Church...

What? In most states, a judgment of divorce is a final judgment, period. You don’t get to undo final judgments because you feel like it. Not even with an agreement between the parties.

My grandparents (or at least one set of them) divorced, remarried (because my grandfather knocked my grandmother up again) & then divorced again! Mazel tov!

Well, I definitely don’t think cancer faking is normal for law school. It’s just one of the few places in the world where that wouldn’t be the worst person you know.

It’s simple. They can do what my mother and her 3rd, 4th, and 6th husband did: marry, divorce, marry, divorce, get pregnant, marry, divorce. It’s simple when you know how.

I would say the much higher likelihood is that by virtue of being a lawyer, she may think her and her husband should be able to do/have whatever the fuck they want. Full disclosure: I’m a lawyer, and most of them are A-type assholes who think at least to some degree that they should be able to whatever the fuck they

The business interests things makes more sense. I was baffled as to why they’d go to the trouble and expense of arguing something up to the state Supreme Court instead of just getting remarried.