
Bigger number does mean better. Better is relative. The important question to ask is what is getting better, and does it matter/is it worth the effort/sacrifices.

It probably is a working Xbox, but all of the stuff around it creates a fire hazard/air flow impedence, so they have to legally state it’s not playable.

That would not be a smart way to get rid of an unsold unit - they’re still selling consoles, and at the very least, it would be useful to keep on hand for warranty replacement supply.

That’s what “gets you”? The thought that you might have to clean your gaming space, wipe a counter down, or vacuum ever in your life?

And who’s to say he doesn’t cause so much good change, regardless of this particular view/what the author of this article can see? He’s got connections, and isn’t actively burning bridges on Twitter like it’s suggested he ought to be doing - there’s no reason to think that his level-headedness and restraint isn’t

Meanwhile, Zack Zwiezen utilizes the platform on a regular basis for regular, consistent activism in the industry, and actively calling out the industry big wigs for their toxicity, and unsustainable practices:

They’re not.

I think there’s an amount of “Getting people introduced to and used to just having a touch screen - and someday not need to actually pilot their car at all, just sitting back and playing on a tablet to tell the car what to do, until they get to their destination”.

I legitimately want most of these, and am incredibly disappointed that we can’t add these to the kids’ toys in the house by... continuing with our current eating habits every week.

Or just the stress of being fired from a high-skill job that he probably enjoyed, the stress of the lawsuit/the whole process of being a whistleblower, or the fear, stress, fear, and guilt of having even an indirect hand in the deaths and suffering of so many people - he maybe having had opportunity to do something

*develop a brain

... Someone who makes the connection that, either, Boeing had a direct hand in this [murder], or an indirect hand [firing, lawsuit, thoughts of “ownership” of the responsibility and, thus “the blood is on his hands”]... needs to seek mental help, why exactly? Because making intelligent conclusions in a reality in

I’m not one for censorship or telling people what they can and can’t do (women, or otherwise), but I kind of wish this style/type of clothing/obsession with showing as much skin as possible, all the time, without crossing “the line” wasn’t a thing. It’s kind of exhausting existing on the internet/as a gamer, etc. and

Minecraft Bedrock is just a poorly made game, across the board, in general, though. It’s worse on Switch, honestly. Terrible draw distance, massive load times/waiting for menus to do anything at all, garbage menus/navigation, etc. I bought a couple copies for my family to be able to play together, and between getting


I think it’s a “when” problem. Internet infrastructure, latency, accessibility, and cost will all get massively better as time goes on - we’re just not there yet. OnLive (more than a decade ago!), xCloud, Stadia, etc. are all bleeding edge experiments. It’s going to get better, things are just in their pre-infancy

I hate that this is our society. That if you don’t treat self-entitled children like kings, you don’t eat.

Too bad. At least one person on Reddit didn’t like it, so they’re going to have to roll it back, and sacrifice the developer’s first born son in order to appease the neck-beard gods.

Well said. I want to add, though, that “professionalism” is an over used, misunderstood concept. It’s simply what is expected in a given workplace/industry, and, in this case, that unfortunately means bending over backwards, pandering to the community, and getting on all fours and begging like a dog for forgiveness

Alternatively: the dev said what they wanted to say, it was warranted, understandable, inoffensive, and tame, and, therefore, it was “right”, in the sense that they accomplished the communication that they (the individual) wanted to relay. It’s only “incorrect” if the goal is to pander to each and every self-entitled