
... There’s way more to browser/user tracking/data collection than just cookies. Fingerprinting via various other data points, IP address, collection of data via scripts, etc.

I don’t listen to Nobody. Nobody whines quite like you, and I’m quite grateful for that fact.

Honestly, I talked my parents into upgrading to 3 Mbps DSL so I could play Metal Gear Solid Online back in the day on Playstation 2.

As fun and clever as you think your response is, nothing about what you said erases the long history of judges making bad calls, and defense attorneys being bad at their jobs. Also, I only skimmed the official document outlining the case, and I’m not even sure [where to look] that he didn’t just represent himself.

I was wrong - you’re not a fool. You’re a dumbass.

No, thanks. First season burned me badly enough, even if S2 is half-decent, it’s not enough. Also, I doubt they fixed a lot of the issues I had with the experience, in general, and with that in mind, I’m good with just pretending the TV series doesn’t exist anymore. The same goes for any movie in the The Matrix

Yeah, weird. I mean... I guess I’ll be clicking on a lot fewer things, then, because I’m not the kind of person that goes looking for/is interested in having the experience of figuring out/exploring a game taken away from them with guides, etc.

YouTube is an incredible source of knowledge, awareness, exploration, excitement, and entertainment.

I do trust his words.

With jobs.

Was he “not disabled”, or is this another one of those, “I don’t see a wheelchair, so that automatically means you are 100% able-bodied, and able-minded” random-ass-hole assesments? I’d love to know.

I wish they would releases a handheld that plays all of the games they sell.

30FPS, 720p CP2077, for only an hour, an extra half hour after that before completely draining the battery... on a massive handheld that requires its own luggage?

Because choosing console over PC isn’t only about budget?

all stupid piddly shit

What would you “speak to” in this review even if you had experience with Fisker? The point is that he reviewed the unit that he had access to, and here in the year 2024, after a hundred years of motor vehicles, releasing a car with so many little annoying quirks, overlooked details, obviously untested/ignored things


sentence started with “but,” which negates the first half

No, there’s still a lot of room for noticeable improvement.

33TFLOPs is 40% of an RTX 4090. The RTX 4090's MSRP was $1600 at launch - scalping, hoarding, and greed aside. Forty percent of that would be something like $650.