
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

Paying customers are paying customers. Their opinions matter...

I dunno about that. I feel like Fortnite would 1. make more sense, and 2. have more money throw around for something like this. And I’m sure people would be all over CBxFortnite.

If I were the designer, I would make it so that this is the “parked” stance, and when you start it up, the arms rotate up out of the way, and the claws in a forward/attack/running position, so it doesn’t look like it’s just trying to hide its face from people it knew in high school.

Huh. Yeah, actually, I’m kind of looking forward to it now...


Hmm. I don’t know anything about the guy - legendary, his work, nonetheless.

A lot of gritty, dark stuff, and... tribal drums.

As a pretty-big fan of the franchise (most of the games, most of the books, too much time spent dreaming and planning cosplay, arguing about what makes the thing good with strangers on the internet, etc.), I just need to chime in real quick and say that I’m massively disappointed with how the show was handled, how it

Which is crazy to me, that anybody would just throw away so much money, waste so much time, and risk so much damage to their name/brand. It’s not like they can go run into the woods and disappear with the money they effectively steal from people when they pull this garbage.

They should have canceled before the doors opened. How they thought, at any point, “Alright, we’re good to go - start letting people in” is beyond me.

Basically every game ever. A small handful of people rushing to end game four hours after launch, then acting like they’re owed more. Can’t be helped - they suffer because of their own dysfunction. If they want to seek the wisdom of living better lives/learning to enjoy things as they are, they are welcome to at any

A lot of people who play video games do so with ample dysfunction in their minds and souls. Can’t be helped. Ultimately, everybody is responsible for their own joy/lives, and if people can’t help but ruin their own fun for themselves, or can’t savor good things, then that’s their loss.

Since when do artistic endeavors have to “make sense”? Somebody wanted to make a live-action Borderlands, so here it is. Mission accomplished. Makes sense to me.

All of your words felt like they came right out of a Borderlands game.

In a way, a death not-so-dramatic, out of nowhere, etc. is the most fitting thing that can happen to someone in that universe. Senseless death/dying at the hands of things going haywire, or due to the strangeness and incredibly unlikely odds of the unverse, is, I think, much better than not.

The more news I read, the more I’m starting to hate video games.

Palworld brings to the table almost nothing that made Pokemon worthwhile. It was never a competitor for the time, money, or intertest of anybody who actually cared about, or enjoyed Pokemon games at any point in the franchise’s history.

Yeah, it’s a product of greed, rather than passion.

I’d argue that it’s not a “live service” mentality - that live services are not inherently bad (or even the mentality of looking to make one).