

Which is hilarious/frustrating to me, because Match, OKCupid, etc. were already services that had everybody providing data about what they cared about/what the were about, then filtered accordingly - then Tinder came along and said, “Nah, ya’ll don’t need to match in areas that matter ahead of time - take a risk and

Dating sites before the dumpster fires that are Tinder and the like effectively did this, and were much more successful/useful for it. This guy effectively recreated that old system where you would make a profile, thoroughly and mindefully fill it with everything you’re about - and then let the system find you a match

Right? Find my wife on OKCupid. Took more than a day, but it was really only like, a couple of weeks? The guy in the article effectively recreated OKCupid/Match, etc. - any of those sites that do the leg work for you of collecting everybody’s personality, wants, needs, beliefes, etc. at profile creation.


This guy effectively recreated OKCupid/Match, etc.

Less “cynical” and more “confused”.

I’ve decided that iPhones are terrible, and that the only thing I like about them is their form factor/chassis - which is the case about all Apple devices, for me. They look and feel great, but I never like using them.

This would be no exception. A little bit of hardware convenience isn’t enough for me to jump on to

Quest 2 has had hand-tracked pinch commands for a long time now.

As someone of South Indian descent, I was genuinely caught off guard by this existing/showing up on GamePass. It’s a good time.

I’m all for an all-digital future... eventually.

That’s an Xbox-exclusive behavior, I’m pretty sure. Buying digital on Nintendo Switch, in a multi-Switch household is an absolutely pain in the rear. If anybody is playing on of “my” (the family’s) digital games on the main Switch in the livingroom, I can’t play any of my digital games on my Switch Lite (which is

Halo the TV series is bad. In a vacuum (from other media in the franchise), it’s bad storytelling, at every junction. Keep everything the same, but put better, more passionate people behind the project, it would have turned out amazing. I know I’m going to get hate for saying it, but put Favreau and Filoni behind it,

...because without the context of everything he went through in the games and books, it really makes no sense at all...

I think the new material not relying on the old media, not trying to relive that stuff, or remain “canon” with those things in mind is fine.

Props, set pieces, armor, and CGI all looked like they were designed/thought through (see: not thought through) by the local high school drama club (worse, in some cases). Too many things looked fake, fastened by string and tape, made of foam, plastic, and consisting of a single layer, lacking density and the correct

This whole thing is kind of rambly. You say “move on” four times, and “can’t simply go on” just in the last paragraph.

Story was disappointing and underwhelming. Personally, I thought the core gameplay, worlds/art, and challenges/side-quests were fantastic. Great game, terrible story. I think if it didn’t take itself so seriously, and it was just, like, “Oh, uh... there’s a bad guy who wants to take over the world again - you gotta

Torn. Is 2024 going to be the year I get a Switch 2, or an ROG Ally 2? Both are 1. tempting, and 2. not announced yet, but very likely to come to fruition.

I’m hesitant to buy Switch, Xbox, or Playstations games because none of them come close to the responsiveness I get at my PC. Also on PC I can turn off post processing, AA, Vsync, etc. and increase responsiveness even more.