
That’s because Nintendo doesn’t rely on sales and FOMO to get people to buy millions of copies of their games, and, therefore, they do not believe that their work or their games inherently drop in value, or need to see price drops to be worth buying.

TIL Video games spoil if you leave them on the self too long, and that simply being slightly older means they must be cheaper (and games being cheaper/on sale is a natural way of things, and not simply a marketing ploy to get you to buy more than you would have otherwise).

I don’t need all of the extra post processing and AI gimmicks. I play games on PC because of the lower latency, thus better feel of playing the game. Until all of that stuff can be done without bluring detail into oblivion, without turning frames into nightmarefuel, and without affecting frametimes... Not interested.

I’d argue it’s less “brutal” and more so “wasteful” and “unsustainable”. Spending 7.5 Billion on Bethesda - and getting Starfield for it - and buying up ActivisionBlizzard (not the company(s) they used to be) for 69 Billion... then realizing they spent too much money, that these groups don’t actually make good games,

You’re going to have to step away from video games as a whole, then.

I would argue it’s not necessarily a need for cinematic presentation, but, instead, a need for engagement (Cinema being something that is highly engaging/emotionally investive when it is done well).

Immersion, engagement, and value.

It’s not bullying just because it’s a bigger company vs a smaller one. If the smaller one is in the wrong, then they’re in the wrong, end of story.

That’s the neat part - you don’t.

5.) Don’t do anything that will make their IP look bad or could otherwise impact their value.


This looks great.

Doesn’t matter. In the same way that “not actually naked, but it kind of looks like I am” is dealt with as nudity, regardless - the damage is still being done. It’s putting ideas/thoughts into people’s minds, it’s giving malleable children ideas.

This. Side note: It’s never too late to learn a trade/change paths

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but this is one of those video games/franchises that is obsessed with showing you the things you like to see, but doesn’t actually pull of letting you feel like you’re actually these characters/like you’re actually existing in this world, right? I’m not big on this franchise, or comic

I thought “leaning into nostalgia” was their goal to begin with. They wouldn’t shut up about “going back to the basics” or whatever, right?

I’ve been going around and saying just this: Palworld is just Craftopia, with pet battling shoehorned in.

Another reason why I want an Ally over a Steam Deck. As alluring as OLED and those glorious trackpads are, there’s just way too much benefit to having a good ol’ Windows install. So many launchers, indie projects, off-the-beaten-path games that I want to play and mess around with (Ultima/whatever PSO BB, for example),

You’re spreading misinformation.

I fell off the starting area... in the wrong direction? Died, decided to spawn some other place the game let me spawn, turned out to be a terrible location for resources, thought I’d stick to it, ended up just dying again so I could retreat to the starting area.