
It’s bad game design. Palworld isn’t a good game. Craftopia wasn’t a good game, either. And this is just Craftopia, with creature battling added in.

I mean, you get summons pretty early on in, like, every other Final Fantasy game, right? And you get to keep them, and use them basically all the time/however you want/in cool and strategic ways/or not at all if you choose to do so. And here, it was a major part of the marketing, and you start the game with it, and

I don’t know why. It’s not that good. It’s Craftopia, with pets added in.

It’s Craftopia (their other game), with pets added. It’s not amazing. Nothing even close to a “Pokemon clone”. Creatures look the part, but Pokemon Company doesn’t own digital creatures. Digimon existed, right?

Fahey would have known this already.

“Discovery” being a newly acquired knowledge depends on the context of what person or community you’re speaking on behalf of.

You’re just describing potential failure points of any rollercoaster.

*Spits out the Slurm in disgust*

To boycott their game/company... your plan is to increase the download count of that game, push it closer to the top of various lists and charts, drive up interest indirectly, and inadvertently show Ubisoft’s shareholders that people really love their games, and that they should keep doing what they’re doing - and

This reminds me: I should buy Splatoon 3.

They are required to make their shareholders as much money as possible, and leveraging technology to take advantage of potential efficiencies, increasing profits & decreasing overhead, while offending the smallest amount of people, is obviously going to be the path they take, whether or not you and six thousand other

*Looks at smartphones*

Oh my gosh, I want that so badly.

Cloud has his pick of more than a few above-average looking/beautiful, interested, capable, powerful, interesting, supportive women... and basically wants nothing to do with any of them, or can’t escape his despair for long enough to realize the ample relationship/bond (romantic, or otherwise) opportunity he’s

I’m going to wish them bad luck. Sometimes bad people win the day due to blind luck/other bad people. I won’t even entertain the idea that they should have more luck on their side. I hope someone hijacks their cars on the way to the hearings, then drives those cars off cliffs or whatever you do in GTA.

Well, now everytime I see the Rockstar logo, I’m going to be angry and disgusted.

Remedy should let Rockstar bankrupt them. Then Rockstar can be forever known as the developer that got a beloved and critically acclaimed studio shut down indefinitely because they were asshats about owning the letter R - and, every time anybody who can read or listen, going forward, will know that, and think that

which is a lot cheaper than buying them all individually

Switch Ultra (refenece to “Ultra 64")

I remember drawing up plans for a Pokemon FPS in middle school, way back when. I had all kinds of gimmicks/references/cutscenes in my head.