
It doesn’t have quite the same oomph because you’re used to 100 being the upper end of the scale. If you grew up with 40 being the upper end, your brain would say, “Holy cow, that’s nuts” without a second thought. It’s all learned awareness and association.

Well, then you must be disappointed by most of Star Wars then, because that’s all over the place: trying to get you to read comics, novels, watch spin-offs, play video games, etc.

Honestly, now that I’m thinking about it, I’d absoultely be okay with/spend more money on DLC, cosmetics, battle passes, etc. if I had more money/if surviving didn’t cost so dang much.

Most things.


I hope Switch 2 is a “Nintendo Phone”.

It’s sad that other platforms not valuing their own content leads to the expectation that everybody else treat their own offerings like dollar-store rubbish that desperately needs to be liquidated.

I’m pretty interested in one of these things, and Steam does have amazing controller support/input customization, and the trackpads were amazing even back on the Steam Controller...

- We don’t know an artist (or eqivalent marketing department employee) wasn’t hired/tasked to make this. To assume an artist or equivalent position was out of a job beacuse of this, is to assume they don’t employ artists or marketing workers to begin with - which is kind of an idiotic assumption to make. They execs

Still kicking myself for not getting Intergrade and Director’s Cut for $30 each during last year’s Black Friday. Sonic Frontiers went back down to $30, but finding physical copies of FFVII and Ghost of Tsushima are pretty much impossible, let alone for that amazing price.

Kinect would have been amazing if they hadn’t backtracked on the requirement for it. Obviously, if there are SKUs that don’t include the camera, and people can just sell them off after buying a system with it included, then developers have no incentive to develop for it, or use it’s features in their games. So much

First-world problems: the article

How is it a massive pain?

You’re here decrying a lack of reading comprehension, but you, yourself, fail to comprehend that intent of the message is not what’s being discussed here, but, rather, the syntax used, and what underlying meaning there might be in the blatent discrepancy of the claims being made.

On one hand, I might be able to convince the wife to get it so that her and the boy’s Xbox experience is upgraded from the One X.

Here’s the problem with your logic: You think 3rd place at the Olympics is “losing”. And this toxic logic is held by many, and not just about the video game industry.

Okay, well, can we “master race idiots” spam the comments regarding 60FPS, with lower latency, better frametimes/more consistency, the option to turn off Vsync and post-processing if we want, the ability to play games in stereoscopic 3D, having access to mods, and, for the most part, not being afraid of [the one store

Nobody should have bought this game. It’s a literal insult to consumers and gamers. Not figurative - literal.

The Blizzard we used to know is dead. It has changed hands, and has had its parts swapped so many times, is a completely different ship now. So any faith or hope you have placed in modern-Blizzard based on past experience or loyalty is folly. It’s a different company, with the same name. A lot of beloved developers

It’s weird to me that I now have a list of video game studios and publishers that I actively dislike, and hope to see shut down in my lifetime.