
We could take it all the way and say the root cause is, ultimately, fear (of not having enough - touched by dysfunction, thus birthing “greed”).

Maybe Meta is working on these things in order to bring them all together and make something really cool - like, in thirty years. For the time being, everything they showed/everything they feigned excitement for was a waste of time.

You can’t have it both ways - you can’t work for a company, reap all the benefits of working for that company as it finds success, then when it starts to fail, cry about taking a hit. Being an employee doesn’t mean you get to take the good, and ignore the bad. And no job in the world has perfect job

I’d like the take up skating.

This is, like, the fifth Returnal recommendation I’ve heard in the past day and a half, and it’s weird, because I didn’t hear anything good about it until just now. I really want to play it now (I’m just not in the market for more games at the moment).

Well, yeah. Trusting someone who clearly doesn’t play by the rules... to play by some rules, is dumb. There is no honor among thieves, and you can’t trust a liar/active criminal to do anything good or logical - they’ve already established they’re don’t care for those things.

I like Star Wars.

I think, like any traditional RPG, if you’re only in it for mindless hoarding and pretend loot, you’re going to be bored.

Don’t join the beta, got it.

I’m pretty sure it’s “impact”, as in, “the effect it will have on things/systems/other plans”, not impact, like, “hits something”.

...Mum (Chile), and Dad (Bandit) t and participate...”

1. Stop saying games on subscription services are “free” (even in quotes). You’re just perpetuating ignorance. Nobody says rollercoasters at a theme park you paid for entry to are “free”.

“... there’s no court in the world that would uphold that firing if I tried to call the cops.”

And even in R&M, Rick is *immediately* fed up with Elon’s bullshit.

There was a new Mickey game on Switch, like, a month ago. And there’s a newer cartoon that got new episodes, I think.

Like a baby with super powers.

Not even Halo the Television Series: The Game?

Now I have it in my head that we should write to Insomniac, asking them to make a Starfield killer.

- This isn’t some Sixth Sense tier twist that’s being spoiled for you, it’s something anybody watching anything remotely related to Star Wars would assume and expect.

I feel like you’re conflating “makes use of higher thread counts”, with “is optimized”.