
I don’t really play games like this, so when I saw “Chef” as a “background”, I had it in my head that I could actually become one/do chef things, but... it’s actually just a murder/sneak-around game, and I don’t really have a choice but to join this cult obsessed with the unknown? The background of being a chef just

Yeah - RPGs haven’t changed since 1974. The game doesn’t change, the scenario/campaign does.

I’m okay with it.

Modern game development is losing nothing - if anything, countless developers and games would never have seen the light of day in the first place, had these engines not become what they are now/if they didn’t offer such a robust, attractive, stable, consistent, comprehensive package.

What's with people on the internet making massive assumptions/generalizations based on *one* thing a person says? I don’t understand celebrating ignorance/foolishness like that.

Massive deadzones on controllers (on PC) - thank God for Steam’s controller config & it’s deadzone compensation feature.

I mean, it's 2023 - why are there invisible walls in a mech game? Let me fly around, choose to relocate the fight if I want, etc. I mean, have bounadies for the stage, but let me explore a bit, maybe make fights easier or harder depending on where you go, etc.

Ah, yes, Sonic Team - they’ve never been wrong about anything.

You make a good point - pixel art is an art style now, rather than the outcome of hardware limitations/child of necessity.

... They’re delaying the *release*. That just means that, instead of being done now, they’re going to work/re work it and release it later than expected.

I am enjoying Armored Core 6.

Any hope you have of the country “getting better” should have gone out the window when you realized that half of voters chose Trump.

It’s the whole “it gets good after chapter twelve” thing, and I hate it. I can absolutely enjoy it, myself, but I will not recommend it to you unless you actively, directly ask me about it/what’s good about it, and I certainly wouldn’t try to sell the thing to you if that’s how I felt about it.

Hey, let me tell you about the game where John Wick, Goku, Thanos, Darth Maul, Mr. Beast, Indiana Jones, Naruto, and Lara Croft shoot at each other in a cartoon world, trying to be the last-man-standing, and also build some towers, and also there’s a guy who’s a sentient banana?

You didn’t read the article, huh?

I don’t doubt it will probably be better if left in the oven for a another quarter or two, also.

I guess I’m getting Starfield with my GamePass subscription, so it’s not an either-or scenario, but, also, I don’t care about Starfield, so there’s that.

How hard is it to cut the mics when an unapproved person approaches/takes the stage?

I’m just reminded at every junction, when I think “Wow, that collector’s edition looks amazing”, or “I wish there was a better design”, that I could just paint my systems/wrap them and call it a day.

I mean, the “towel trick” to reflow the solder and fix RROD involved blocking all vents of the system to force overheating...