
You’re a Pokemon trainer. It’s a competition to find the best trainer(s).

That’s you deciding on your own what it should and shouldn’t be - not describing what they have set out or laid out for it to be.


But if the rules say “you have to grow the ingredients yourself”, then who the hell are you to say, “nah, screw you - I’m going to buy them from the store, and just hide that fact from you”?

Okay, but it does give you an advantage - being able to change your team on the fly/adjust on a whim/test a bunch of things, while someone who is following the rules cannot do those things.

What was wrong with Overwatch 1?

I heard the gameplay previews/the demos or whatever that influencers have played were all on PC. In case that is useful information.

Or even hire more people/contractors/invest in better tools and practices - none of those things are static. And, to make assumptions about development yet to happen is to assume they change *nothing* about their process.

Looks fine. Hope it gets more people into the new gen/this community.

Wasn’t sure when it was hitting NSO, and still wanted to “own” it, so grabbed Pokemon TCG for my 2DS just before the eShop closed. No regrets. Feels better on 2DS (yes, the door stop model).

The music is my favorite part/the reason I felt compelled to buy it for my 2DS just before the eShop shut down. So dang catchy, repetitive, but with some soul thrown in there.

Once upon a time, this kind of thing was a “cheat code”, and was celebrated by everyone, and even advertised by the developer themselves.

Still doesn’t feel right.

... On a Wednesday, During a Blizzard, Wearing Gold Plated Crocs, Upside-down, While Drinking Soup, On a Plane, In Space, Submerged in a Tank of Ferrofluid, While Saying the Alphabet Backwards

Well, I’m excited for that. I only played a demo of Patapon back in the day, and have been eyeing it on PSNetwork (when it’s on sale). I’ll need to grab those classic games.

And back this new endeavor. The world needs more rthythm games.

F*** ’em both. I hope they both sue each other into oblivion.

FFX-2 casting is amazing.

No part of a shadow is 2D. Neither the surface, nor the photons involved. We have to engage in mental gymnastics/ignore truths of our universe to even conceptualize “2D”.

I... might second that, in that, when the rest of the family is on the Xbox or TV, the PS5 is inaccessible to me, so I end up disappearing into the computer room. This would get me playing more often, potentially.

Does it? I’d say I’m a fan of Pikmin, but I don’t love it. Like, I respect it, and will praise its game design, style, etc., and I’m excited when I see new games announced.

But I’ve never owned a Pikmin game. There are just other games I’d rather spend money on. Not that it’s a bad game, it’s just not as good as the