
While it was an option, the default combat system of FFVII was Active Time Battle (ATB), which is not turn based.

You read Kotaku for its taste and sophistication?

I want my money back!

They’re a Twitch streamer.

They were never losing.
They just weren’t winning as hard as the other guys.

Selling millions of consoles, and funding and entire division of a company dedicated to video games, being able to pay the people that work there, full time, to do video game things isn’t losing.

This is so dumb.

Ha, can you imagine?

Black menu buttons ruin all of them except the black one.

Series has an SSD that can stream in assets in an instant - maybe not as fast as Sony’s solution, but still incredibly fast. 60FPS should be possible, if you ask me.

But they’re probably not utilizing the tech since they’re still catering to the SATA protocol (required in order to not alienate entirely too many PC

I closed my Reddit account. Not in response to all of this, but it would have been a factor had I not already made the decision.

Does this controller have Xbox’s Impulse Triggers (small motors in the triggers), or is it just standard vibration motors in the handles.

I’m definitely tempted, simply because I prefer wired controllers (my wireless environment is terrible, I hate swapping batteries/getting caught mid-game with a dead controller, and

“Buzzword” implies that the word isn’t useful, lacks meaning or necessity.


All I could think, was, “Oh - so it’s a better-looking, more filled out No Man’s Sky.”

I’d forgotten about Mignogna.

Things to read:

Someday we’ll have AI that will actively monitor hardware/network/ISP states, watch for “unfair” states, make intellgent decisions regarding whether or not a disconnect was “cheating” or not, and side with the player when appropriate.

13 - Caterpie on the girl’s head on the far right edge.

There’s also the whole “Everybody loves Jedi & lightsabers, and that makes the most money/sells the most merch and toys, so... we need more of that” thing.
