
Fuck Nintendo forever? Because they crack down on piracy (an action that “hurts” maybe a few thousand “customers”), and because, what - they’re not some spotless, perfect corporation?

I saw my nephew using one of these today.

I love that they didn’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel. They already had a perfect game - so they built on that, and made a more perfect perfection.

This. All of this. A bad game. A bad game with apologies about being broken - on top of being bad (but they’re not apologizing for that, huh?): reasons why I never want to work for a development studio/be a programmer, etc.

Rightfully so. If you steal from me, I’m not going to be nice to you.

Personally, I want to see more actual-exclusives (that take advantage of the specialized hardware in the system, rather than catering to the lowest-common-denominator of the previous generation of systems & PCs with terrible specs and spinning-platter HDDs).

I appreciate that your values/dignity prevailed over selling out there. Your story bolsters my self-confidence and convictions. Communities need more of that.


It’s a three-day weekend for many. That’s why.

Yes and no.

You should also blame her for going along with something she knew was wrong.

Alternatively, don’t have harrassment-inciting rage about *video games*, to begin with.

If you’re going to boycott, organize a boycott, and be sure *that’s* what you want to spend your life/time/resources doing. If it’s that important to you.

The burrito thing only works if the word “burrito” was universally accepted to include/imply guac, across all stores/restaurants, etc.

I really miss stuff like what we’d see on DS/3DS.

You got the Triforce of Wisdom over there, or what?

InB4 Mr. Beast tattoo called “the mark of the Beast” gets popular, puts a bunch of people in line for a payout.


is just bind boggling to me

Define weird - pretty sure most companies would react this way regarding leaked information/assets/content that they didn’t want to have leaked.