
But it’s such aa frustrating experience

Should go without saying, honestly. Reviews shouldn’t be the measure of a games success, but, instead, the games success, and it’s mechanics and value, should be the measure of it’s success.

Giancarlo Esposito, too.

Bespoke isn’t the word you should be using here, for more than one reason.

Ah, yes - Heroes III of Might and Magic.

You do all that work to get custom models and such in there, but you don’t make an Armored Core to play through the game with?

I don’t tip anymore.


Stop sitting in recliners, get a stool instead of a chair.


Martinet already screwed up Mario.

Have you read the Old Testament? There’s a lot of context there that suggests he’s, in fact, not a dick, and that the world was just a very different place back then, that the context of that particular culture is very different from ours/modern times, and that the core reasons for things being said/done are not the

IMO, that’s “a” Mario, not “the” Mario. There’s room to experiment, and even fail - you can’t ruin Mario at this point. Too big to fail.

Nothing Sony does makes any sense.

If a “Switch Pro” means higher thermals, more fan noise, lower battery life, a heavier unit, more cost, etc. - for minimal ROI (you can’t see much more detail than what’s there anyway due to motion blur/persistence blur - especially in handheld mode), then I can wait until it doesn’t mean those things. Because I don’t

“Too big to fail” or overly-hyped games/developers/production companies lying to consumers about the quality of their product, in order to make sales/engagement targets for a given fiscal year, ensuring bonuses and raises for executives and management, and ultimately appeasing board members and share holders,

For real, Roblox is kind of amazing - too bad it’s a disgusting platform with disgusting ideals, and built on a foundation of child labor, deception, and greed. I’m all for something coming in and taking its place. Not that I’m worshiping the ground other corporations are working on. Lesser evils and all that junk.

I have a headache.

Well. Looks like I’m getting back into CSGO.