
I think the idea is that, ideally, everybody would get however much “sick leave” they need, within reason, and if it happened on the regular, it wouldn’t be questioned - doesn’t need to be entered differently into the system/you don’t have to stop and talk to your boss about it every time, etc. Nobody is suggesting

It’s this kind of garbage that makes me hesitant to send anything to anyone for any reason.

No, because there is joint ownership between spouses, unless somehow specifically, legally, designated otherwise.

Wasn’t Last Spartan Standing already a thing? Could have sworn I played a team variant of it at some point. I got a medal called “Necromancer” or something like that for reviving the rest of my team, etc.

At least they had something to say.

I’d love to have this on my Switch.
But I’d also love to play it in... 4K? Does that even matter with this art style?
Anyway, I’m reminded that I wish the Switch were more powerful.

Like we’ve been able to play on the GameBoy Advance for 15 years?

- I would rather pay for content, than be fed ads.
- I do sometimes find new things/ideas/products/contests that I’m actually interested in via *some* ads, so I don’t hate that ads exist.
- My biggest issues with ads and trackers are that they take up my time, attention, they slow down my connections/browsing, they make

Comment below has you beat by eight years.

I love both of those things.

Do these kinds of people not understand that the law isn’t on their side in these scenarios? If you have the skill, time, resources, and money to make your own game, then just do that. I get fan games, but if you know the parent company is going to take legal actions against you, and you know you’re not in the clear,

Playstation Home (or Second Life, or Animal Crossing, or even just a decent Minecraft) in VR is game changing. The only “real” problem with VR is that the hardware isn’t good enough/versatile enough that everybody wants one (I expect Apple to be the one to get us there with casual AR in a generation or three) - once


Look at the width of his toe box on his feet.

I like video games.

Uh-huh. SEGA giving their take on the future of gaming?

Yeah, because it was hyped so hard, and people bought into that hype before they even knew what was up.

I’ve taken up reading manga when I can.

I don’t understand the problem. Do pros never camp for good weapons, or get lots of kills with power weapons?

So, my thought process was this: linear requires less force (doesn’t spike at the bump, doesn’t lead to excessive impact following the bump), and, ergonomically speaking, zero force and zero motion seems ideal. I thought my “end game” was going to be ultra custom linears - hall effect sensors on custom, extra-light,