
You only get to inspect someone’s home that closely if you have reason to—a complaint, for instance. Having rented for almost 20 years, nobody has “inspected” my place once. I understand that some public housing-type places may have regular inspections, but again, they don’t go poking around in people’s closets for no

Rental laws vary by state. In California, a landlord has to give notice before entering a tenant’s apartment. In Texas, the rules are a bit different. Usually any landlord worth a salt will give notice in any state.

The million dollar question: How many women go through this on a day to day basis? When my friends argue that there are “protections” in place for minorities, this is the loophole argument that I throw back at them.

My wife and I self-manage our five rental investment properties and the only times we inspect the unit is if the Tenant complains about a maintenance issue, if we suspect that they are damaging the unit, before move-in to determine existing conditions, and after move-out to determine repairs and cleaning that shall be

Working in a property management firm, it is not our job or the owners job to inspect closets for things that shouldn’t be there, they should only be checking for damages. She has grounds for a lawsuit. As a renter you have rights, when you move in you should be given a booklet called Tenant Rights, you may not own it

Sorry but everything is worse in Florida... just kidding (not really)

We used an empty dorm room to rebuild a motorcycle freshman year.

When I rented for nearly 20 years, I never had a landlord even step foot in my apartment without a phone call instigated by me, let alone for a “routine inspection.” With roommates or alone, with pets or without.

Wait...WHAT!? I’ve never - EVER - heard of pregnancy being a barrier to rental. Like, ever.

It’s not so much that Rosenbloom is the local version of Skip Bayless, it’s more that Rosenbloom took over the mantle from Skip. Skip was a Trib columnist 20 years ago before gaining national fame (he was no less a pompous asshole then than he is now), Rosenbloom is just picking up where Skip left off

Rosenbloom is Chicago’s local version of Skip Bayless

You don’t put the bible at risk in a car overnight.

False. Rosenbloom’s schtick has long been complete fucking idiocy that, once pointed out, he claims was sarcasm when in reality he was being 100% serious. Rosenbloom is a shitheel, plain and simple

I always tell my wife, “If you don’t wanna get harassed, why do you exist?” It’s simple math, people.

“We could be looking at a new era of new embarrassments from Bears draft picks,”

It’s not victim blaming cause they can’t be a victim if they had it comin’!

Or going off that recent story about that crazy SFO “incel”, the audacity of simply existing as a woman.

I’m glad he did not get raped. Then he really would have gotten blamed.

Still, he didn’t have much to say about why he thought Smith being the victim of a break-in was a reasonable launchpad to question the player’s maturity.

Steve Rosenblooit