
This happened to my sister-in-law. Whitest little white girl there ever was from Texas married to black guy from Kenya. Took trip with my wife and their mother to Israel when her first born was 4 month old. Those chicks and their cute little very dark curly haired baby gathered up every ID and official document you

No way Miko would ever self-censor profanity

I didn’t know Bryan Colangelo was married to Miko Grimes

I think Flavor Flav put it best when he said:

Note to self: make sure to agree with my wife that she’ll never create burner accounts defending me.

Manti T’eo still the best.

Much like his hairline, it’s not the lie. It’s the cover-up.

This is my favorite sports story ever. Inject every new detail directly to my veins. Please.

He called her and said, “did you do this?” or “oh fuck, they caught you!”

I don’t know what’s worse, that he was tweeting this stuff, or that he was going through her phone. Big no no.

Ah, so she picked out those shirts for him. This warms my heart.

“It’s federal law!!! We also accept Facebook.”

because “international” is in the name of the airport so they must have been going abroad

Yet the trolls are out, standing up for the airline, because “international” is in the name of the airport so they must have been going abroad and trafficking and One Time I Heard, people are dumb.

That’s so your kid can sit on your lap. They don’t actually care if you are your kid’s custodial parties.

I am wondering if the agent was so unused to infants with passports and used to parents showing birth certificates that she was unaware that a passport = birth certificate-plus

That’s quite a different situation - you were in one country trying to go to another. There is no indication that the Gottlieb/Clark family was traveling anything other than domestically.

Just saying. If someone else wants to fly with my kid BE MY GUEST.

I don’t think people who aren’t parents of biracial kids understand just how often people insinuate shit. If not outright question you.

So clearly this guy from Southwest was having a shitty day and wanted to be a dick. I guess “It’s federal law!” is the new “Because of insurance reasons.”