
Except CP3 is always hurt. This is the third time in four years he’s been injured in the playoffs. If Chris Paul was healthy is like saying if Sam Bradford was healthy.

The one thing I remember about Game 7 of the 2016 NBA Finals (as well as Game 6) was that Harrison Barnes was so ice cold from three that Cleveland didn’t even bother guarding him after a while, which freed up a defender elsewhere. Barnes kept getting wide open looks from three, and kept missing them. God, had he just

Imagine being the mayor of New York on 9/11 and completely squandering all that good will.

There was one woman who kept getting picked up on mic with a desperate “no!” every time they missed a 3 or FT. Summed up the nature of that crowd watching things fall apart Tin Cup-style.

All those missed threes was a conspiracy of cartographers, then?

You’re right (at least about the different shooters, not sure about the independence piece). Using a quality-of-shot metric (based on the openness of the look and who was shooting), 538 calculated 1-in-72,000 odds.

Hey Fuck you! I’ve always been a Good Yankee fan, you fucking... :)

In response, Sean Hannity reminded viewers that the only reason Osama Bin Laden survived the 9/11 attacks was that Giuliani rolled up his sleeves and punched him so hard he flew all the way back to Afghanistan and landed safely in a pile of harvested opium pods.

Gordonkrantz and Hardenstern are Dead.

If Trump shows up and they lynch him, then we can talk about absolution.

Harden went 12-29 last night, including 2-13 beyond the arc, and had 5 TO’s on his way to a +/- of -13 in a game his team lost by 9.

too soon

Worst Rocket performance since January 28, 1986

Throughout this administration we need constant reminders that the enemy of my enemy isn’t always my friend.

They weren’t booing! They were just saying “Fuck Yooooooouuuuu!”

“Are you saying Boo, or Gui?”

They’re not booing, they’re saying “Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-dy is an asshole and we hope he dies in a fire.”

“O-ver-ra-ted (clap clap clapclapclap)“

I guess Yankees fans are good now.

Okay, I’ll be that person. Neville Longbottom was a Gryffindor, not a Hufflepuff.