I’m just here for the Eddie Izzard GIFs.
I’m just here for the Eddie Izzard GIFs.
Comey lied about not knowing what was in the Hilary Clinton emails- they were a lot about her Foundation- he was receiving pay offs or payments from and that’s why he said nothing could be found.
Hmmmmm....anyone that spent that much time in a Vietnamese prison camp qualifies for me....certainly over Kelly, a racist misogynist blowhard who won’t admit error when it’s in front of his face....
“I mean, there’s plenty of reasons to hate Hoover, but making a big deal out of him maybe being a transvestite and maybe being gay?”
Is that the chair of the British Labor Party National Executive Committee dressed to kill?
She must really take after her father to be such an ardent Trump supporter after everything he’s said and done to disparage John McCain.
Holy shit!.....Do all Republicans do this to their ex-spouses who are suddenly ill/struck by tragedy?
John was already married to Carol when he met Cindy, a beer empire heiress who was 18 years younger, at a military party. Carol had a terrible car accident that almost killed her. She was in a wheelchair, gained weight, and had to use crutches later on. Even before Cindy, John already admitted to other extramarital…
I remember when Meghan had a section in one of her books that called out Bill Clinton for infidelity.
Jedgar didn’t write a tell all not just because he was dead but he was also deep in the closet & badly compromised by the mafia. But you know, honor, integrity and all that stuff too.
Reinhold Niebuhr would not approve of your actions, Mr. Comey.
J Edgar Hoover would have totally pulled off the outfit Meghan McCain has on better than her.
Some attempts to shame are so poorly thought out. It would be like telling me Donald Trump personally hates me, I would be downright glad. If she really wanted to hurt him she could say he made baby Jesus cry.
Original strength Carrot Top or anabolic strength Carrot Top?
But what would Andrew Jackson think of this?
If anything, Hoover would be disappointed that Comey didn’t abuse his power hard enough.
J Edgar Hoover, the guy who tried to get Martin Luther King, Jr. to commit suicide? Yeah, I would hate for him to disapprove of me.