
My sister once played in a mixed team where the opposition was all boys - I was circling the pitch with a restless dog, and overheard their coach telling his team to “kill them”, “hurt them”, “destroy them” (our team). I was talking to one of the refs about it as play resumed, only to be interrupted by screams - the

One of the coaches who alerted Klein apparently also agreed to bring his daughter onto his team.

I never played baseball because I’m Australian and old, it wasn’t a thing out here when I was growing up.... but, I did play cricket. And one of the teams we played against had a player that would grow up to be one of the best fast bowlers Australia ever had. Brett Lee, he’s a huge Bollywood actor now.

I remember playing summer ball, I think I was in 5th grade or so (mid 80's), and the director brought a girl by as we were warming up and ended up putting her on another team. I was warming up on the mound and said “alright, we’re not getting another girl.” I was sent home for the day and my dad grounded me. It was

They’re not located in the groin

When I was 9-10, we had a girl on our Farm League team who was the best pitcher in the league. I remember thinking it was pretty cool that a girl was so good. I’ll bet the girl in Oyster River was more of an issue for the coaches than she was for most of the players

When I played in high school, I was very selective and got on base in more than half of my at bats (I think the OBP stat existed then, but high OBP wasn’t valued like it would be after Moneyball). My coach told me I was walking too frequently and that I should swing at more pitches. I didn’t say anything, but I

Typical east coast attitude. Instead of addressing the issue via open dialog, they provided a phone number to voice reservations.

It really is amazing how competitive Little League is now. My kid’s league has 7-year old travel teams (maybe even 6-year old, not sure). And while his current team (he’s 9) has some very good players, his coach told us that he’s not a yeller, that his goal is to have fun and be better at the end of the season than

Lol my first year of little league I lead the league in on base percentage with a .742. I think I had two hits, the rest all walks. I was horrible but patient.

These are great days we’re living, where all the tough guy bros are emboldened to show their true spineless colors in public. If only we could determine what’s led them to believe cowardice, incompetence and ignorance are traits to be rewarded.

This is a crime, right? Planning to throw a hard object at the head of a child?

True story- in little league I figured that I had a better chance getting on base by not swinging and taking walks and it worked- I got on base every time. Opposing coaches and parents got PISSED OFF so my coach told me I had to start swinging-

Demerit Park indeed.

That is some goddamn cold blooded shit. I can’t wait to hear their bullshit reasons for this.

A foolproof plan, except for the part where little league players have to throw accurate pitches for it to work.

I look forward to hearing their choked-up cries of being bullied by the mainstream, fake-news media, their snowflake neighbors, and the 11-year-old Klein as they fall.

Kudos to Troy Brisard and Kirk O’Quinn - the two coaches who came forward and let Klein know about the other coaches’ disgusting comments/plan.

It is extremely difficult to do but I think these two have just summited the all time coward ladder. I look forward to watching them as they fall down.

Just guessing, but are these two coaches involved with travel ball; selection of the year end all-star team repping the league in the state tournament; and to their minds, already have college programs looking at their kids?